Chapter 1471 Chapter 1481 She then shook it off, "No, it was your idea? Dragging my mother into it?" Luther, "..." He knew that he couldn't hide it from her. And, for sure, she would blame him. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Cecelia shook her head and explained, "It wasn't his idea, it was my decision to talk to him. Promised to give us valuable information. However, because Anderson was kidnapped, he temporarily reversed himself and fell back on Otis. So, I decided to get rid of him. At the critical moment, since he can't be used for me, he should clean up the tumor in time." Karl looked sideways at Cecelia and had a general idea of what was going on. He secretly admired Cecelia, who, after the big event, looked as if nothing had ever happened. Sure enough, it takes a mother to make a daughter. Joyce opened her mouth to say something, but didn't say anything else. Since her mother had given the word, she couldn't question it. Although in her heart she suspected that it must have been Luther's idea to go behind her back and venture out alone. She looked Luther up and down, "You're not hurt, are you?" A slight hint of concern passed over her features. That's when she noticed the unusual folds on his clothes. Although everything seemed peaceful at the moment, she was sure that she must have experienced some life and death just now. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a scar on his wrist. She let out a low cry and took his hand, "You're hurt, let me help you with the medicine." Luther looked at it, "Oh, it's just a little scrape. I didn't even notice it." Not wanting her to worry too much, he drew back his hand, "No need to put medicine on it, it will be fine soon." Joyce stepped forward and held Cecelia's hands tightly, "Mom, thank you for protecting him." Cecelia reached out and stroked Joyce's hair, "Silly child, what a silly thing to say." "Auntie, did you get any valuable information?" Karl interrupted them and asked, "The assassination of Mr. Moore will soon be known to Otis. Do we need to make emergency response plans?" Cecelia, "Got some information, I'll go back and study it. No need for a response plan, I know Otis. The first thing he'll think is that I did it. He wouldn't dare do anything." "By the way, I always had a feeling lately. ralph seems to have some plans and is secretly deploying something." Joyce was shocked, "Isn't Dad under house arrest? Why do you say that?" "A hunch, because his cronies have been moving around lately. I speculate that Ralph can actually get out of house arrest and that he may have another agenda." Cecelia added, "From what I've known about him for thirty years." "So, we just have to save Anderson, and don't worry too much about anything else?" Luther asked, "Is that what you mean?" Cecelia nodded, "To stay the same." Karl and Joyce look at each other. Karl, "But we don't have any information about Anderson right now. The other side's operation was too perfect, and it certainly wasn't done through Otis' people. There has been an unknown third party force involved. I'm worried about that." Luther suddenly spoke up, "I can think of one person who is the only one who can still gain Otis' trust right now." Joyce looked up in confusion, "Who." Luther frowned and gave Joyce a deep look. "Justin." Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.