Chapter 1462 Chapter 1472 Anderson points to the board, a vacancy. "Grandpa, you're leaving this place empty, are you trying to put in a long line to catch a big fish?" "Hmm. Do not look at this piece of chess has died, do not die once, how do you know where the life is? Some pieces, need to be sacrificed later, to see clearly the other pieces, what kind of position above." Ralph meant what he said, and he felt Anderson should have understood. Although the grandson in front of him is only four years old. But intelligence as well as emotional intelligence is already far beyond age. "Grandpa, it seems too late to finish this game today." Anderson looked out the window, and the guards who had been standing seemed to stir. Someone pushed the door in, and listening to the footsteps, there were two people. "It doesn't matter, I'm sure I'll have a chance to finish the game later. I'll make a good note of this game." The corners of Ralph's lips pulled up in a smile. "Here, Grandpa is giving you something." Ralph got up, went to the drawer, took out a silver cross-like pendant, and put it into Anderson's hand. "Thank you, Grandpa." Anderson's voice was childish and smiling. The guard came into the hall and saluted Ralph, then said to Anderson, "Time to go." Anderson got up and waved his hand at Ralph, "Bye Grandpa." After being shown out the door by the guards. Otis was already waiting for him in the front yard. The guard reported truthfully, "Mr. Robertson, the general just gave him a silver pendant." Otis held out his hand, "Let me show you." Anderson knew for sure that he was going to be inspected, and he cooperated by handing over the silver pendant that his grandfather had just given him. Otis pawed it in his hand and examined it inside and out several times, a very ordinary pendant, neither a totem of the Xia family, nor related to the Qin family. Nor could any mechanism be found. He caught in his heart for a moment, Ralph knew he would certainly check, should not play tricks. Probably just ordinary gadgets to coax children. If he confiscated it, it would be too petty. So, he returned the silver pendant to Anderson. Anderson pocketed the pendant. Otis ordered, "Send him to Base 47 with more men and keep him under close guard." After a pause, Otis glanced at Anderson, deliberately care, "Remember, do not let him touch any electronic devices." As far as he knows, Anderson is familiar with electronic products. "Yes." The guard led the order. Anderson was once again taken on board. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. This time, he was blindfolded and could no longer see out of the car window. Because it is daytime, it seems that the other side does not want him to notice, the road above where exactly passed. Anderson's heart sank, and he didn't know where he would be sent, closer to his mommy or farther away. He was a little confused, but knew there was nothing he could do. He was awakened in the early hours of the morning, at this time tired, and simply sleep in the car. When he woke up, he didn't know how long he had slept. He should have been carried out of the car. Right now, he was taken into a villa with a very large interior, and he couldn't count the number of rooms for a while. It was about four stories high. He swept a glance, surrounded by surveillance, and a variety of advanced electronic access control, alarm system, it can be difficult to fly. In addition to the man in black, there was an additional granny who took care of him. He sat down on the couch and took what he could get. So he said to his mother-in-law, "Hello, I'm hungry, can I eat?" The mother-in-law was stunned, but she had never seen such a calm child, either because she did not understand or was really not afraid. "Okay, I'll go cook a bowl of noodles for you." Granny responded, turning around and walking into the kitchen. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.