Chapter 851 Chapter 860 William, Isn't This What You Want? The old house remained brightly lit at 4.30 am, making it stand out against the darkness of the old neighborhood. Emelie said nothing more and sipped her drink slowly. Lyle didn't try to stop her from drinking. After receiving such shocking news, she needed an outlet to vent. He sat with her for a while before taking care of things, packing the peeled sweet potatoes into a storage container and placing them in the freezer. He then cleaned the flour off the table. However, when he returned from the kitchen after washing the cloth, he was shocked to find that Emelie, who had been sitting at the dining table, was gone! More than half of the whiskey bottle had been emptied. Even if Emelie could handle her liquor, she was likely tipsy by now. Where could she have wandered off to? He immediately searched the first floor and yelled her name, "Emelie... Emelie!" There was no response. He then called Jodie. "Did something happen to her?" she asked. "She's drunk, and she might have gone out." Lyle noticed the usually neatly arranged shoes by the door were now scattered. Frowning, he was about to run out when Jodie stopped him. "Mr. Inning, don't be too anxious. Ms. Pierce has someone with her. Let me call and check." When Emelie decided to return to Capebatt City, Wesley, concerned for her safety, had arranged for a shadow to follow her at all times. Wherever she went, they would follow. The shadow confirmed, "Yes, Ms. Pierce has left. She's heading to Sunnington Hill." Sunnington Hill? That was where William lived, wasn't it? William was jolted awake by the doorbell ringing. After rubbing his temples for a while to shake off the sudden disturbance, he got out of bed. He didn't like having anyone else in his house, so there were no live-in servants. There was just him, alone, in the house. Without expression, he picked up his phone and checked the live video feed from the front door. To his surprise, Emelie was standing outside and seen swaying slightly. William froze for a moment before quickly heading downstairs to open the door. "Emelie?" She looked up at him. She didn't appear flushed from the alcohol. At first glance, she seemed as calm and cold as ever, but upon closer inspection, there was a subtle daze in her eyes. "I rang for five minutes before you opened the door," she said plainly. Her sudden arrival in the middle of the night caught William off guard, so he didn't immediately notice the accusation in her tone. "I was sleeping. Why are you here now? Did something happen?" Emelie took a step forward, and William finally caught the scent of alcohol on her. He immediately looked at her face. "You've been drinking?" Instinctively, he reached out to support her, but she slapped his hand away. Then, just as suddenly, she grabbed his collar. "William..." She looked up at him and was clearly wanting to say something. William waited for her words, but instead, she smiled and said, "I've taken care of Beathan. You're the only one left. " William sensed that this wasn't what she originally intended to say and pressed his lips together. "Yes, I'm the only one left. I've been waiting. So, what kind of death are you planning for me?" Emelie stared into his deep black eyes. Without warning, she used the grip on his collar to yank him down. William didn't resist and bent down. He thought she had something to say. However, next thing he knew, he felt a soft, cool sensation on his lips. His eyes widened in rare astonishment. He was frozen in place. Emelie pushed him inside the house and pinned him against the wall. Still holding onto his collar, she forces him to bend down. She invaded his mouth and shared the taste of the alcohol with him. It was only then that William realized she was kissing him. She was the one initiating the kiss. Emelie wasn't particularly skilled, but she wasn't entirely inexperienced either. Their lips pressed and slid together, tongues intertwining in a heated exchange. William couldn't understand what had gotten into her, but instinctively, he responded. His hands wrapped around her waist and lifted her slightly so that she stood on his feet. She let out a sound from her throat. "William, isn't this what you've always wanted? Let's try it out now."