Chapter 633 Chapter 636 Evidence? "We'll set up a funeral hall at the manor for friends and family to pay their respects. The funeral will be in three days. The body will be cremated and buried in the Middleton family mausoleum," William stated. However, Vanessa wasn't asking about the arrangements. She set down her handkerchief. "The funeral committee can handle those standard procedures. What I mean is, your father didn't leave any instructions for us. We don't know how the Middletons' inheritance should be divided now that he's passed." "Of course, I'm not saying we should split everything right away. It's just that when friends and family come, they'll inevitably ask about it. We need a consistent story to avoid any confusion or gossip," Vanessa added. Henry's body was still warm, and she was already discussing the inheritance. Yet she still had the galls to argue that she didn't care about the inheritance. William fiddled with his ring. His face was half-lit by the hallway light and half-draped in the night outside. "I'll continue to pay you your monthly allowance," he said. Vanessa quickly asked, "What about Xenia and Jordi?" William remained unfazed. "Who are they?" How could he not know them? Vanessa pressed her lips together. "Xenia is your sister, and Jordan is your nephew. They're also part of the Middleton family. Don't they deserve a share?" William smirked. "They're not listed in the Middleton family records." "They may not be on paper, but they're your family by blood. Legally, they have the right. Are you trying to strip away their inheritance?" William and Vanessa's relationship had soured years ago. Though William had never shown her any warmth, Vanessa played nice, for Henry's sake. Now that Henry was gone, and William wasn't willing to share, Vanessa decided to confront him. "I'm also your father's legal widow. Why can't I get my share?" she questioned him. "If my father wanted to leave you anything, he would've done it already. Even in his confused state these last two years, he never caved to your schemes. It's clear he didn't want to. I'm not taking anything away from you. You never had a claim to begin with," William replied. William grew tired of the conversation and walked away. Vanessa looked green around the gills. She also hadn't expected Henry to be so resolute. He had left Cloudex Corporation to William, leaving her with nothing. Even after all these years, she wasn't able to get Henry to write a will. With the financial power of the Middleton family in William's hands, she had no choice but to fight back. She called out to his retreating figure, "William! How could you be this ruthless?" William ignored her completely. Vanessa gritted her teeth and raised her voice. "Aren't you afraid I'll expose everything? That I'll tell everyone about your dirty secret? Your murder?" William halted in his steps and turned around, his dark eyes were cold as ice. His bodyguards received the signal and moved in swiftly to grab Vanessa, pinning her against the wall. "Let me go! Help! He's going to kill me!" she frantically screamed. Vanessa's loyal confidant tried to rush in to help her. However, the bodyguards quickly pinned her down on the ground as well. William approached Vanessa and said, "People like you are never satisfied. You take and take, always wanting more. For the last two years, I've turned a blind eye while you shifted my father's assets as he laid sick. But if you keep this up, I'll make you give it all back." William scoffed as Vanessa glared at him. "Murder? Do you have any evidence?" he asked. Vanessa broke free from the bodyguard's grasp. "You think I wouldn't do it?" Wiliam arched his brow. "Go ahead and try then."