Chapter 324 Chapter 324 Loyalty When was at a loss for words, charles reached into the door compartment and handed her a brown envelope. "Here's the intonadelroup Take a look" .Mr. Davis" Emelle hesitated for a few seconds, then took it "Thanks, K Charles smiled rest up. Remember to take your meds before bed. Your voice stil sounds horse." Enelle had one last question. "How did you know was going to Lovelight today, Mr. Davis?" Charles suddenly turned play "Cupid's arrow brought us together. Even miles apart, late finds a way? Emelie just pushed the door open and got out. Charles chuckled softly behind her. The next day, Emelie accompanied Bryan to meet clients. They had scheduled their renders at a theater, blending business discussions with the enjoyment of a play. As the final act concluded, their partnership was on solid ground. Anticipating more tasks ahead, they bid farewell early. Descending from the third floor to the second, Emelie caught sight of Ashton waiting by the staircase. Ashton politely inquired, "Mr. Swson, the next movie is "The Westward Trail', which Mr. Middleton is quite fond of He wondered if you might join him for the show?" Bryan took a mement to consider, then turned to Emilie. "Do ahead and meet Greg Let him know I've got something to attend to and I'll be running late." "Wilda "Emelie replied, Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ƒind ηøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Bryan followed Ashton toward the VIP box, while Emelle continued down the stairs. The theater was an old-fashioned building with polished mahogany stairs. As Emelie descended to the next level, she looked up and caught sight of Wiliam at the balcony railing on the second floo Today, he stood out in a care white suit, intricately embroidered, which emphasized his aristocratic demeanor. He poured himself a cup of tea. Despite the distance between them, their eyes briefly met. His dark gaze was steady and composed. Emelie couldn't help but remember their encounter on the terrace the previous night. She lowered her head and quickened her pace down the stairs It wasn't until she stepped outside the theater that she dared to berathe normally again. William invited Bryan to meet, and Emelle didn't know what they discussed. As the moming's work wrapped up and they perpared to head out for lunch together, Bryan dropped a bombshell "Tell HR to send Justina a termination notke Emelie was caught off guard. "You're firing Ms. Green? "yeah," Beyan replied casually, his voice lary as he leaned back with his eyes closed. Emelle's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Since starting her job, Emelie had quickly learned that Dean's assistants tended to stick around for years, a sign he didn't rotate them often... Despite justina's occasional hostility toward her, Emele couldn't recall any significant work errors on Justina's part. So why was Bryan suddenly letting her go? Emelie couldn't shake the feeling that Willam, who had nicently met with Bran, might be behind it. West him? Did Willam go to Bryan because of the issues with Justina? Was he trying to emulate Charles's protective stance? After all, Charles had stood up for Emelie at Lovelight, leading to Justina's removal. Now, was William influencing Bryanto fire her outright? Emelle pursed her lips and asked carefully, "Ms. Ce was capable in her role. Why did you let her go, tr.Swanson? Bryan opened his eyes, his voice carrying a solemn undertone. Loyalty counts more than skill when you're part of my team." Was Jestina disloyal? Emelie couldn't shake her suspicion about William's role in this, but without a way to question Bryan further or appech Willam directly, she simply replied, "Understood Shepromptly conveyed Bryan's directive ID HR They didn't come back to the office that afternoon. Emelie wasn't sure how Justina had taken the news, but the following day, Justinas no longer in the office. Emile also noticed her colleagues eyeing her with a touch of apprehension. It seemed they suspected justina had been dismissed due to a conflict with Emelle. Afraid of making similar missteps and facing a similar fate, they chose to keep their distance from her. Emelie found herself increasingly frustrated with the situation. While she agreed with the practical notion that "work is for earning money, not making friends, she also recognized the importance of fostering positive relationships for effective teamwork. Being avoided by everyone wasn't what she had in mind. She even wondered if William had done this intentionally to isolate her and make it difficult her to continue working at Swanson Corporation. Hiver mit strange behavior toward her only deepened her concerns. tanele pondered whom she could approach to find out if something had happened with William Serendipitously, she crossed paths with Elena. 3