Chapter 245 Chapter 245 Fleased Chapter 245 Pleased William went to the lower floor and got into the car. He instructed Abel, "Head back to Eastbay." Abel nodded and drove eft. From the rearview mirror, he noticed a faint, almost imperceptible smile on William's lips-a previously absent sight. Clearly, whatever had happened during that half an hour with Emelie had pleased William. Abel mustered up the courage to ask, "Mr. Middleton, is Ms. Hoven coming back to work soon? I don't mean anything else by asking this. It's just that out of all the secretaries who have shown up to work, Ms. Hoven has the simplest reports. It seems that having her arcend saves you a lot of time and effort." william usually wouldn't engage in small talk with: Abel. But given his good mood, he replied, "Isn't that a given? After all, I trained her myself" Emelie had been trained entirely to his liking to be his best secretary. How could William hand her over to someone ebe? Eastbay was a vintage three-storey house. From afar, Abel saw a figure standing at the door. It was a woman. Despite standing under the eaves, she had still been soaked by the tan, due to the strong winds. The headlights of the car shone to reveal her shivering self. Abel slowed down after a short pause. "Mr. Middleton. it's Ms. Bowen." William looked up. Daphne's face lit up at the sight of their car. She rushed into the rain, prompting Abel to step on the brakes. She ran to the rear passenger door of the car and pounded on the window, shouting, "Mr. Middleton! Mr. Middleton Listen, I can explain!" William rolled down the window. After not seeing him for days, Daphne's tears now streamed down her face relentlessly. "Mr. Middleton! William looked at Daphne as she stood in the rain, drenched. He calmly asked, "How did you know that I'm back in Gapebatt City?" He had just returned yesterday. He had yet to visit the office since he had been preoccupied with Emelie's attairs, Daphne was indeed well-informed. Daphne shook her head in a hurry upon sensing the danger in his tone. "L.. I didn't stalk you. I didn't bribe anyone around you either. "I just drop by Eastbay regularly to check if you're back. I knew that you were back when I saw the tire tracks at the gate this afternoon, so I waited." William said nothing. He didn't tell Abel to leave either. Abel mulled over the possibility that William might still have feelings for Daphne, seeing how he was willing to listen to her explanation. Daphne continued standing in the rain, shivering. Her teeth chattered as her tears streamed down alongside the rain. She looked to be in an utterly pititel state. "The photos...they're real, but they were taken against my will. That man forced me... Emelie's phone stopped working. When Billy came to visit in the afternoon, she took the chance to buy a new phone at the store. She finally had a functioning phone again. The first thing Emelie did was call Mona to check if she was doing fine. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Mona seemed puzzled by the sudden inquiry. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?' Emelie told her about how Vanessa had confronted her Mona clicked her tongue. "Ah, no, they didn't show up at my house. I kept the items you sent and tossed out the parcel's packaging at the door. They must have found that. "It's no wonder that we're always reminded to be extra careful about the recipient's into printed on the packages before throwing them away. You can never be too careful." Emelle was celleved that Mona wasn't harmed. Shecautioned, "Don't mention anything about the woman.' "Got it" Monacouldn't help asking, "So, is it true that she's William's lover and that's his illegitimate child?" Emelie's tone was flat "I don't care. Whoever she is has nothing to do with me." Monashook her head. "I've always thought that I had a complete idea of what a bastard William is, but he always manages to surprise me. Take a look at what I've sent you on WhatsApp" Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.