Chapter 230 Chapter 230 The Desire to Conquer Her The last hint of daylight disappeared behind the curtains, plunging the rooms into darkness. The winter days were brief. By just past 5:30 pm, daylight had almost vanished. Emelie lay exhausted on the bed. Her breathing was heavy. The comers of her eyes were still tinged with a faint redness, and her lashes were damp with tears that had not yet William reached out and gently smoothed the furrow between her brows. Emelie was too tired to react, even though she could feel his touch. He let her sleep and moved to the windowsill with a cigarette and a lighter. It had been a long time since he felt this way. It was more enthralling than when signing billion-dollar contracts. Perhaps it was because Emelie had become so biting and evasive since leaving her job. She never showed him any affection. It only fueled his desire to conquer her. He wanted to see her lose and submit After finishing his cigarette, William returned to the room just in time to see a phone light up on the carpet. Before it could ring, he silenced it, not wanting to wake Emelle It was her phone, and the screen displayed "Mr. Swanson", William smirked and answered it directly. Samuel's gentle voice came through the phone. "Emelie, I didn't see you in the ward. Are you taking a walk downstairs? William replied, "No, she's asleep." There was a long, three-minute silence from Samuel, during which William's smirk deepened. His features radiated a different kind of charm than usual. When Samuel spoke again, his tone had completely changed. He even called William by name. "William, Emelie's life has been hard enough. Why can't you just leave her alone? Stop forcing her and messing with her! You have no shortage of female companions. Let her return to a peaceful life!" William raised an eyebrow. "You think you can give her a peaceful life?" "As long as you don't trouble her or disturb her, she can give herself a peaceful fe!" T "So that's why you dealt with Reggie behind her back" William's voice was cold. "Your intentions might be good, but you don't understand Entelie 'She's the type of person who would rather face an ugly reality than live in a beautiful lie. To her, your actions make it seem like you've been deceiving her all along" Sanvoel was stunned Emelie knew? "Once the seed of doubt is planted, every time she sees you, she'll remember you stepping on Reggie and start questioning if you're being truthful now. She'll wonder if you have ulterior motives for staying by her side..." Just then, William sensed someone rushing at him from behind. He turned gracefully. Emelie was desperately trying to grab the phone. "Give it back!" William ended the call and wrapped his arm around her. He hadn't helped her dress. In her haste to get up, she had only grabbed a thin blanket to cover her chest, leaving the curves of her back exposed to William's gaze. "Give me my phone!" Emelle demanded angrily William smirked and bent down to capture her lips in a kiss. Emelie pushed against his chest, but he was immovable. At this moment, the blanket slipped from her grasp. William lifted her and kissed her neck. Emelie's 's eyes were bloodshot. She only felt utter homiliation. But what could she do if she couldn't push him away? The phone rang again. Its sound echoed through the room. William delt Emelie's body tense at the sound. He guessed that it was Samuel. Annoyance and disdain flashed in his eyes, and he threw the phone aside. He carried Emelie back to the bed. Then, he pulled open his bathrobe. "Since you have so much energy, let's continue."