Chapter 556 Chapter 556 Sir, I Would Like To Report A Case of Cheating! Bianca did not expect that Bella's seat was number 17. That instantly put her in a bad mood It was already an uncanny coincidence that they were assigned to the same classroom, but consecutive seats too? She cursed her luck! The test was starting soon, and she did not have the time to be bothered about Bella. Bianca shot a glance at Julie, who was sitting diagonally opposite her. The young woman seemed to have noticed that, and she pumped her fist at Bianca as a show of encouragement. Bianca felt relieved when she saw that warm smile. Ring... The bell rang, and the invigilators gave out the test papers and answer sheets. Bianca wrote down her name on the answer sheet, then started to fill in her candidate number with a #2 pencil. After filling in her information, she checked it one more time before quickly browsing the contents of the test paper. She gained a brief understanding of the questions and started to answer them with a black ballpoint pen. It was an Engineering Economics paper, and she was not too good at that subject even when she was in college. If she could pass that paper, then the other paper would not be a problem. After arriving at that thought, she began to focus on answering the questions. She had to admit that Luke was very accurate in his predictions. The summary proved to be very useful, and most of the highlighted points appeared in the test. She thought that the man was more accurate than a fortune teller. The test questions were slightly difficult, but Bianca was not worried. She handily answered one question after another. Bella looked at Bianca, who was answering the questions seriously. A sinister smile appeared on her face. Mavis had given her a task, and she had been wondering how she should set Bianca up at the test venue. She could not think of anything after a long time. She had even thought of the stupidest idea, which was to bribe the invigilators. However, she discovered that luck was on her side! She was ecstatic when she found out that she was assigned to the same classroom as Bianca, and she was sitting behind her! Perhaps it was time that Bianca received her comeuppance! The two invigilators took their job seriously and patrolled around the classroom. All the candidates were focused on the test. Some of the candidates seemed happy, while some were frowning. That was normal for any test. Bianca belonged to the former category. Her handwriting was neat, and she answered the questions quickly. Moreover, she was visibly pregnant. The invigilators could not help but turn their heads at her. The classroom was silent except for the rustling sounds of pens writing on paper. Bianca answered the questions according to ascending level of difficulty. She skipped over the questions that she was not confident of answering, and soon she completed more than half of the paper. Meanwhile, Bella was struggling with the questions. It was her second time taking that paper. Last year, she had failed the same paper, so she had to pass it this time. To receive the architect certification, a candidate had to pass all four subjects in a two-year period. If she failed the test again, it meant that the validity of the other three subjects would expire, and she had to start all over. That was not what she wanted! Bella did not expect that the questions were tougher than the previous year's questions. She was having a hard time. She looked at Bianca in front of her. Bianca was writing continuously, as though she did not need the time to think. That made Bella even more jealous and resentful. Meanwhile, at seat number 6, Julie was shocked. Some of the questions had appeared in Bianca's notes, which surprised Julie greatly. She wondered if Bianca managed to predict the questions in the paper. At the same time, she regretted not studying the notes more thoroughly. As time passed, the temperature in the classroom seemed to be rising. The classroom remained silent as usual, except for the whirring fans that hung from the ceiling. Bianca opened her bottle and took several sips. The duration of the test was two hours. Even healthy candidates might find it physically and mentally taxing, much less a pregnant woman like Bianca. Luke had reminded her to bring a drink to the venue. She could take a few sips if she felt tired, and that would restore her energy. Indeed, Bianca felt a lot better after taking a drink. She began to tackle the harder questions that she was not very confident in answering. They were quite tricky, but fortunately, they were all multiple-choice questions. Every time she managed to solve a question, the confident smile on her face grew wider by a little. When she was done answering all the questions, she glanced at her watch and saw that there was still another half an hour before the end of the test. Bianca began to recheck her answers. She even managed to correct one of the questions that she had answered wrongly in her initial attempt. A shrill whistle sounded. One of the invigilators announced loudly, "There are ten minutes to the end of the test. Please work faster if you're not done yet. Also, this is a reminder to double-check that you have filled in your information correctly on the answer sheet.” Bianca briefly checked her information, then checked her answers again. Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye. "Everyone, stand up!" The invigilator announced. The candidates pushed their chairs back and stood up while the two invigilators collected the answer sheets. Bella had been pressing the notes that she took from Bianca's handbag to the bottom of her desk with her knees. She quickly took it with her hands, crumpled it into a little ball, and tossed it under Bianca's chair. Bella did it stealthily, and the other candidates attention was focused on the invigilators. No one noticed what Bella did, except for Julie, who was sitting diagonally opposite Bianca. However, Julie did not say anything. Firstly, it was an important test, and Julie did not want to court unwanted trouble. Secondly, they were about to leave the classroom, so there should not be any trouble. Thirdly, she thought that Bianca's husband must be someone influential. Even if Bianca got into trouble, he would be able to help her. She knew better than to meddle in someone else's business. At that time, trouble happened! Bella suddenly pointed at the crumpled ball of paper under Bianca's chairand said loudly, "Sir, I'd like to report a case ofcheating!”