Chapter 2329 "Oh my goodness. How could she do that to him?” The crowd started chattering away again. "That's true. It doesn't matter what terrible things he did in the past. He intends to turn over a new leaf. Not only does not forgive him, but she also kicked him..." “Isn't she afraid of getting punished for kicking her father?” “Yeah. She's gone too far. He's her biological father, after all. He even donated his liver to her.” "That's right. She has no idea how difficult it is to find an organ. My nephew is still waiting for a donor to save his life. He's been waiting for a year. The doctor said that he only has six months left. He might not be able to make it. But there's no donor, and his parents’ liver is incompatible with his. There's nothing his parents can do but continue to wait. They're crying and waiting every day. How pitiful. Even though her father did something wrong, it was in the past. He didn't fulfill his duties as a father, but at least he donated his liver. He gave her another chance to live. How could she do that to him?" Leia's face became gloomy listening to their comments. “Do you know anything about me? Where were you when he beat my mother up? Why didn't you say anything when he sold my mother and me? He ruined my career after that. You only have sympathy for him and think that he’s miserable. What about me? All you do is judge me and scold me. Are you f*cking blind? He took money for helping me. He owes me!” Leia took off her face mask and yelled at those people. Those who were not sure whether she was Leia before were able to confirm that the woman in front of them was indeed Leia. Some of them lifted their phones and zoomed in on her at that moment. Dexter heard Leia. He was worried that what she said would affect him. He quickly kneeled before her and said, “Leia, I took the money to make sure that you could survive in the future. Your foster parents didn't give me the money. I thought I'd have some money to buy you some supplements when you recovered, but you have to acknowledge me as your father. I was wrong back then, but I've been living with regrets for the past few years. I've gotten what I deserve. Now that I'm old, I just want to acknowledge you as my daughter. I'll be satisfied as long as you're willing to call me “Dad’. "Look at him. He's already admitted that he made mistakes in the past. It's never too late to admit one's mistakes. Just forgive him. It's better to have a family member than to lose one. He even donated his liver to you." A woman who stood not far away from them was moved by Dexter's words. She could not help but stand out and speak up for him. Leia sneered. She was so enraged that her face turned red. Then, she pointed at Dexter's nose and scolded, "You wish! Jack Norman is the only father I have. You're just a tramp. Who are you to deserve my acknowledgment?” This made the crowd gossip again. One of them said in an unfriendly tone, “Why does Mr. Norman have such a daughter?” "She's adopted. It's normal for her to have an evil nature in her. But isn't she ruining Mr. Norman's reputation if she does this?" "My neighbor's daughter is working in the provincial capital. Stop talking nonsense. Mr. Norman is a good man. She told me that Mr. Norman cares for the citizens. He's planning to implement more social policies for the welfare of the citizens. I heard that Leia was previously sent abroad to further her studies. Perhaps she developed these bad habits when she was abroad. Mr. Norman was kind enough to adopt her, but look at what she’s doing to ruin Mr. Norman's reputation. I feel heartache for him to have raised such an ungrateful daughter.” “Yes. Mr. Norman is a kind person. I don't think he wanted Leia to become like this either. Poor thing.” The crowd was talking about Leia at first, then they started talking about Jack. However, Jack's reputation was not ruined because of what Leia said. Luke's men were among the crowd, but they would only deal with Leia. If Jack's reputation was ruined because of Leia, it would do no good to the Crawford family either. "She's just an adopted child, after all. And she's definitely not as good as his biological daughter.” Another person concluded. "Shut up!” Leia snapped. After yelling at them, she realized that Dexter had worsened the situation, making it hard to clean up the mess now. Leia bit her lip. She rolled her eyes and pretended to faint. The caretaker shrieked, “Ms. Norman passed out! Oh my goodness, Ms. Norman has passed out!” The nurse frowned and shouted, "Excuse me. Please make way for her. Help! We need a wheeled stretcher. A patient has passed out.” The medical staff who were busy with their work heard that someone fainted. They immediately brought the wheeled stretcher and hurried over to save Leia Dexter cried out, “Leia, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me like this. It's my fault. I know that you don't want to see me. I won't look for you the next time... Leia, please, hang in there.” Leia was moved from the wheelchair to the wheeled stretcher. Then, she was sent to the emergency room. Johann, who was standing there, smiled and sent the video he recorded to Luke. Luke should be satisfied now. Johann slowly walked through the crowd. However, the sharp-eyed caretaker was able to recognize him. The caretaker tugged on his sleeve and said, "Dr. Park, here you are. Hurry up and take a look at Ms. Norman. She just fainted.” “Fainted? That serious? Where is she?” Johann pretended to ask in surprise. "She's in the emergency room now,” replied the caretaker. She was worried that she might lose her job if the Norman family blamed her for this. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ƒ)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. “Okay. I'll take a look at her. Calm down,” said Johann. “Should I inform her family?” the caretaker asked. “Let me check on her first.” Johann did not let the caretaker inform Leia’s family. He had been secretly watching Leia. Although he was recording the video for Luke, he was also observing Leia's condition Although Leia had to sit in the wheelchair as she felt exhausted, judging from the situation just now, Leia was just pretending to faint. Hence, it was not a big deal. Johann walked into the emergency room and asked, “What's wrong?” “The patient suddenly fainted. Dr. Park, she’s your patient, right?” the doctor in the emergency room asked. "Yes. She's my patient,” answered Johann. He walked toward Leia, and he saw Leia's twitching eyelids when he was about to check on her. Johann smiled and said, “Ms. Norman, stop wasting the hospital's resources if you're still conscious.” Leia opened her eyes and gave him a mean look. Then, she asked, “Why are you here?” “I was passing by, then I ran into your caretaker. She told me that you were in the emergency room. I came here to check on you,” Johann lied. "I've only passed out for a while and you're here already? I ran into Dexter. Did you make such arrangements on purpose?" Leia narrowed her eyes. She never ran into Dexter in the past few days. After all, she was staying in the VIP ward. The floor she went to for check-ups was higher than the regular patients. There was no way Dexter could enjoy such preferential treatment. Therefore, the check-up Johann had arranged for her this time was probably designed to let Leia and Dexter see each other. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.