Chapter 560 Chapter 561 "To be exact, there's isn't a huge effect." Strix turned around. "This was a mere side effect from the rejection. The sleeper virus has a relatively stubborn cell. When the vaccine is injected into the body, those cells that spread will start to become active and accelerate the metabolism. His body cannot bear it, but he won't die." Maisie paused and pressed her lips together. If she knew that the vaccine would cause such a huge reaction to rejection, she might not have taken the chance. Strix consoled her, "You don't need to feel bad. I initially planned to let Adrian use that vaccine for research. Even if you didn't inform Erwin to make him take precautions, he would still have two vaccines with him at that time." No matter which type it was, they didn't affect Nolan negatively, but it just didn't let Sue and Roger get their way. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ƒindNoᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. After Strix left, Maisie stood there alone until someone said, "I wasn't expecting you to be behind the vaccine issue." Maisie didn't turn around, but she knew it was Sue. Sue walked in front of her and scoffed. "I started off with Mr. Goldmann's wellbeing in mind, but you, his ex -Wife, are trying to frame me for this. Do you really not care about his life?" "What about you?" Maisie looked at her with no change in expression." You injected him without understanding what is in the vaccine?" Sue's expression changed. "That was because you interfered!" She approached Maisie. "If Elder Master Goldmann finds out that you are the reason his grandson is in this predicament, do you think you'll get away with your plan?" Sue's eyes were cold as Maisie kept quiet. "I heard that Elder Master Goldmann doesn't like you. Since you're already divorced, suggest you keep out of this, by the way..." Sue smiled. "Mr. Goldmann doesn't hate me. Maybe he already stopped loving you?" Maisie looked at her calmly. After a while, she smiled without warmth. "Congratulations then, Ms. Reynolds." "I accept your blessing." Sue patted her shoulder, turned around, and left. Maisie watched her leave, her eyes turning dark. During the few days that Nolan had been in a coma, the 'ineffectiveness' of the vaccine caused a stir. The hottest debate was on Henry's exposed identity. The biggest loser was probably Roger. He monopolized the vaccine supply chain and was barred from entering other countries. His plan to turn things around with the 'vaccine' had utterly failed. But what the media didn't know was that Nolan had been awake for two days. Quincy stood by the bed and reported, "Mr. Goldmann, after you let me announce that the vaccine isn't effective on you, the people lost their trust in Roger. All THE vaccines that were tied to him have been rejected." Nolan stood in front of the window, his thin hands playing with the potted plant on the window sill." Strix made a huge sacrifice too." Once the ineffectiveness was announced, his reputation was dragged through the mud, and everyone had found out that he was Henry. The hospital was well guarded, so people couldn't get in. The hospital staff was paid to keep the secret so no one outside could know Nolan's situation. Roger had lost his power, and after David resolved the issues, he would be voted as the new President of Stoslo if nothing went wrong. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.