Chapter 360 Chapter 361 "Why don't you compensate me for emotional damage, then I'll compensate for your loss?" "You Mrs. Winters chocked. Why was it so hard to deal with this person? "Nobody's money fell from the sky. Everyone earned it. Do you think you could get money out of me from your daughter's passing?" Maisie's face darkened, and she didn't sound courteous. "If you want trouble, go ahead, I'm not afraid, but I won't be responsible for the consequences. Now that I'm being extorted, if I still keep quiet, people are going to think that they can walk over me. I'm not stupid." She tumed to Cherie and said, "Send them out." Cherie nodded. "Sure." Cherie walked to the two of them and said, "I'm sorry, please leave if you're done making a scene so that you don't feel humiliated." She was worried about the two people and their dignity if they were shamed in public. The Winters couple wasn't happy, but there was nothing they could say, so they left. Cherie walked them to the door and went back to the office. Nolan heard that Wynona's parents had visited Maisie to ask her to 'pay her debt, and his face dropped. "How did they know that Zee was here?" Cherie shrugged. "I have no idea. They just showed up." Nolan frowned They wouldn't have known that Maisie was in Blackgold if not because someone had told them. "Mr. Goldmann, what if they make this into a big issue? Even though Maisie doesn't care, it will affect her reputation" Seeing that Cherie was concerned about Maisie, Nolan realized that it would be best to arrange for someone to be around Maisie. He smiled "You just need to focus on her safety. I'll take care of the rest." Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. "You are so nice to her, Mr. Goldmann. She probably accepted you by now, right?" Cherie suddenly looked like a busy body. Nolan's smile faded. "If you don't want this job, I can always give it to Quincy." *Don't! I'll stop asking. I'll leave right now." Cherie went out and closed the door right after that. Mr. and Mrs. Winters walked to a car and said to the person inside, "We went to see Ms. Vanderbilt, but there was no point. She didn't care." The car window rolled down a little. The woman inside looked at them through the corner of her eyes and said, "Make it a big issue then. Someone will tell you how to do that." Mrs. Winters smiled and nodded. "Alright, will do." 1 The man in the car handed them a stack of money. The car drove off once they took it, Mr. Winters was a little concerned. "Honey, I don't think that's a good idea. We're using our daughter's death to put someone in trouble." "That's not putting someone in trouble. Is our daughter's death not related to that Vanderbilt woman? Everyone from the camp said that our daughter angered the Vanderbilt woman. "If it weren't because she angered her, our daughter would still be alive. I'm just avenging her." Even though what she said calmed Mr. Winters down, he still felt that the woman helping them wasn't that simple. He had to be careful The next day... Wynona's death was featured in the news as expected. When the couple in the news was interviewed, Mrs. Winters cried her heart out and was sure that Maisie was the reason her daughter had died in the camp, all because she had offended Maisie.