Chapter 779 “Alright, don’t make any more wild guesses. I’ll tell you the truth… after leaving Elegante Group, I founded a new company called Cynthion Group, and it’s been doing qui te well lately…” Seeing how adamant she was to get to the bottom of this, Leon finally decided to tell he r the truth, but before he could finish, she interrupted him. “You founded a company? Don’t try to fool me! You have no money or connections, so how can you ev en pull that off?” Ariel said dubiously. As a member of Elegante Group’s higher management, she was f amiliar with the business world, but since Cynthion Group had yet to make a name for itself, she had ne ver heard of it before and thus had no idea that Leon was, in fact, the president! She was still under the impression that he was boasting! “I’m not fooling you; I’m telling the truth. I founded this company with someone else. They’re responsibl e for the cash flow, whereas I’m in charge of the technical sector…” Leon explained. He did not mentio n that his business partner was Cynthia, lest Ariel misunderstand his message and think Cynthia had ta ken him in as a sugar baby! “Oh!” Ariel finally understood. She knew that Leon was the brains behind Elegante Group’s cosmeceutical line, even though Leon did not have anything under his name, he was a smart and capable man. Therefore, she was not at all surprised to find out that Leon had man aged to find a company with someone else based on his technical expertise. “But even if you founded a company with someone else, it would have just taken off, so how did you m anage to fork out 780 million dollars worth of assets? Besides, I don’t think your business partner would agree to this!” Ariel asked dubiously. She guessed that Leon’s company had probably just begun to take off, so one would not expect Leon t o be able to fork out a few million dollars, much less 780 million! “I mortgaged all my shares and got a loan…” Leon replied. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰind_ηovel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. “What? You-” Ariel immediately understood and fell into a brief silence at this discovery. Even though sh e did not know where Leon loaned the money from, she knew that he must have paid a hefty price and pulle d many strings to get his hands on the money! “What’s wrong, Ariel?” Leon asked, sensing that something was wrong. “Nothing…” Ariel sighed. She knew that as someone with nothing under his name, Leon must have put in an exceptional amount of hard work just to build a company with someone else. The Youngs had betrayed Leon and kicked him out of their house, yet not only did Leon hold his head u Leon had placed so much on the line just to help Iris! ‘Iris, I don’t know what’s wrong with you– how can you break up with someone like Leon, who’s so willing to sacrifice everything for you?‘ Ariel ask She could not help feeling grievous about this. After all, she was in love with Leon, and she longed for Leon to love her even one–tenth of how he loved Iris! “Ariel, let’s talk details. I intend to use 780 million to buy out Elegante Group, how does that sound?” Leo