Chapter 776 “Didn’t you say you wanted to buy out Elegante Group? Well, if you can say it, you better mean it! Hand over the mone y, and I’ll finally believe you!” Ariel rolled her eyes at him. She was more than familiar with Leon’s financ ial situation, and thus she did not think Leon would be able to cough up 650 million dollars! This was not realistic at all! “I’ll try my best, and I’ll give you an answer latest by tomorrow.” Leon sighed. “Alright, I’ll be waiting! Let me tell you this– if you can’t come up with the money to buy out Elegante Group, you have to promise me that you’ll hel p me convince Iris to change her mind!” Ariel said slyly. The truth was, she did not have many expectations of Leon being able to buy out the company. Her onl y wish was that Leon would help her persuade Iris, but whether Leon could successfully convince Iris o r not was a set of problems for another day! The two of them left the hotel and returned to their respective homes. Shear Mansion. Leon found Cynthia in a dojo in the backyard. At this moment, Cynthia was dressed in a fuchsia tracksuit that hugged all her curves perfectly, and combined with her sharp, angular features an d grace, she looked like an ancient goddess come to life. A strange feeling seeped into Leon’s heart when he caught sight of the gorgeous woman before him. He was a living, breathing human with feelings, after all, and ever since he started living with the Shear s, he had spent every waking hour with Cynthia and gotten close to her. Besides, Cynthia was one of the Four Beauties, and as a man, it was impossible for him to resist her! Leon seemed to have fallen for Cynthia without him realizing it, but despite that, he knew that Iris was s till the woman he loves, and no matter how much time passed, Cynthia would never be able to replace Iris! “What’re you doing here, Leon?” Cynthia smiled when she sensed Leon’s gaze on her, stopped her trai ning, S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ƒind ηøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. and strode over to him. “Cynthia, I need your help…” Leon said hesitantly. “Oh, what is it?” Cynthia asked quizzically. “I just heard that Iris is planning to sell Elegante Group, and I intend to buy it from her…” Leon said. “What?” Cynthia was stunned by this. She pondered this for a moment, then finally understood Leon’s true intentions. She pursed her lips in displeasure and said “I’m sorry. I… I can’t seem to get over Iris,” Leon replied rather shamefully. He knew that Cynthia was interested in him “You…” Cynthia was irritated by this, but at the same time, she knew there was nothing she could do ab full well that Cynthion Group hasn’t fully landed on its feet yet, financially speaking, and we don’t have th out Elegante Group at all!” Cynthia’s lips were pursed in a disapproving and somewhat jealous frown. “I know…that’s why I want you to help me ask Elder Shear to loan me 650 million dollars,” Leon said sheepishly. Now that the Shears had gotten involved in trying to bring down Young Group, he knew that Benedict would never agree to loan him the money to help Iris and the “That’s impossible!” Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.