Chapter 2247 "That's a load of nonsense! Yonas, you're doing something shameless and despicable right now. Of course, I would need to stop you! You're my relative, there's no way I'd just look on as you continue to make a mistake," Roanne retorted. "I'm shameless and despicable? How dare you say that?!" There was no way Yonas would stand Roanne's honest blame like that. He could not help but be angered! Furthermore, Fiona gave him the perfect excuse with her words earlier. He felt like everything he did was for the sake of the Thompsons! There was no way he would accept Roanne's blame. He did not think he was wrong at all! "Roanne, you should know very well. Leon managed to get to where he is all thanks to the help and protection of our family! Our family has even agreed to let you live with him to help him restrict the Southern Boss, ignoring your reputation and the family name! We've given him so much. novelebook.comIsn't it obvious he should give us some of Elegante's shares as repayment?!" Yonas said firmly. "You-" You're just blackmailing him at this point! On top of that, I'm staying with Leon out of my own will! Why would he need to give you thirty percent of Elegante's shares?!" Roanne said angrily. "Willingly? Miss Thompson, Leon's not a single man. As the eldest daughter of the Thompsons, you're even willing to put your name on the line! Do you have feelings for him?" Fiona said, deliberately fanning the flames. It was easy for an outsider to see! Even though she did not know if Roanne liked Leon, with how Roanne was protecting Leon so much, her intuition told her that Roanne had some feelings for Leon! S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ƒindNoᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. It was perfect for her to use that to drive a rift between Leon and the Thompsons! "That's right! Roanne, could you have feelings for Leon?" Yonas was stunned. He looked thoughtful. The night before, Angus asked Roanne to come back to the family to clear the rumors and protect the family's reputation. However, Roanne constantly refused it! That was something he knew! He thought that Roanne was considering the bigger picture by trying to stay by Leon's side, so he did not think too much about it! Yet, after what Fiona said, he suddenly realized something. Roanne did all of that possible because she had feelings for Leon! Otherwise, there was no way Roanne would ignore her reputation like that, insisting on staying with Leon! "I-" Roanne widened her mouth, unable to say anything. The truth was exactly like that Fiona and Yonas thought. After being with Leon for a while, she slowly developed feelings for him! Back then, one of the reasons she wanted to move in with Leon and the others was definitely so she could regularly see Leon! With Fiona and Yonas exposing her thoughts, she was caught off guard! Suddenly, she was stunned, not knowing what to answer!