Chapter 1849 “No! I didn’t switch any bottles out. I have no intention of harming your company either! Mister Wolf, d- don’t try to slander me!” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Seeing that he invoked the anger of everyone, the reporter’s face reddened. He hurriedly tried to deny everything! “I guess you’re still stubborn in the face of death! Mason, take out what’s in his pocket and show everyone!” Leon said coldly. “Yes!” Mason answered. He quickly took out a bottle of brightening cream from that reporter’s pocket. “So that’s it!” Seeing that, no one doubted it anymore! Earlier, they were somewhat biased against Elegante. If Leon just exposed the man’s schemes on the spot, they might not have believed Leon! However, the reporter accidentally let it slip and admitted to switching products! On top of that, they had all the evidence for all to see! No matter how dumb they were, they would still be able to tell that Leon was telling the truth! “Mister Wolf, that bottle was just something I bought from the mall before. I just happened to bring it along with me! You can’t prove that I switched out your company’s product,” The man remained stubborn and refused to admit the truth. He tried to struggle in the end! As long as he refused to admit it, Leon probably would not be able to do anything to him! “Shameless!” “He’s just too shameless!” Looking at how the reporter still refused to admit to anything, even the customers were starting to get angry. They felt like cursing the reporter for being an absolutely shameless man! At that moment, some frantic footsteps were heard. A security guard ran right over. “Mister Wolf, the security footage you wanted here,” A security guard reported respectfully. When Leon noticed that the reporter switched out the bottles, he immediately asked one of the guards to go get the surveillance footage in secret. The footage happened to arrive at the right time! “Why don’t you broadcast this to everyone!” Leon said. “Yes.” The guard acknowledged the order and started to broadcast the footage through a screen in the area. In the footage, the reporter switched the bottle in an incredibly secretive and quick manner. However, after slowing down the footage a few times, all of his actions were obvious! It proved the truth! With such ironclad evidence, the reporter knew that he could no longer try and refute anything. He had an ashen look on his face as he fell to the ground. “Alright, the truth has been revealed! Do you have anything else to say?!” Leon looked at the reporter and sneered. “I–I have nothing to say. However, I want to ask you something. I switched the bottles just now, so why was the test still fine?” The reporter asked unhappily. “It’s simple! When I tried to tell your fortune just now, I’d already switched back the bottle!” Leon said calmly. Earlier, he deliberately patted the reporter on the shoulder. Right at that moment, he managed to switch the bottles again without anyone knowing! “So that’s it! Mister Wolf, your methods sure are amazing,” The reporter paled. He realized that he completely underestimated his opponent! “Mason, bring him away for now! When I’m free, I’ll deal with him!” Leon ordered. After that, Mason motioned for two guards to bring the man away.