Chapter 67 67- Codes and cocktails Harry- Hey, wanna help me with a project? 3šŸ™‚ Ryann- Should I be afraidā€¦. Megan- Class is boring. I was hoping for something more interesting today but itā€™s all just a recap of stuff weā€™ve done before-_- sį“‡aŹ€į“„h thį“‡ źœ°indĪ·ovel.nį“‡t website on GĆøĆøglį“‡ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Harry- Nope. Itā€™s a fun project. Help me think of the weirdest most obscure cocktails. Bonus points if they have fun names. Ryann- I have no idea. Just a sec, Iā€™ll add Megan to the chat and you can ask her. I create a group chat with Megan and Harry. Harry instantly changes the group name. Harry changed the group name to SHENANIGANS Harry- Hello Megan, Iā€™ve heard a lot about you. Megan- Hi Harry and same! Harry- Okay so hereā€™s the goal. Weā€™re trying to think of the weirdest cocktails. Bonus points if they have interesting names. Ryann- Interesting how? Megan- Dirty. He means dirty names Ryann. You do, right Harry? Harry- ;) Ryann- Riiightā€¦ Megan- Okay well there are the obvious ones, Sex on the Beach, Slippery Nipple etc. but you donā€™t need our help to come up with those. 1/5 67- Codes and cocktails Harry- The aim of the game is to make the bartender react. Iā€™ve already tried the basics. Ryann- I get the feeling that thereā€™s a story here somewhere. Why are you trying to make bartenders blush? Harry- Itā€™s a useful skillā€¦. Megan- No way thatā€™s the reason. There has to be more to this! Harry- Maybe there is, maybe there isnā€™t. Youā€™ll never know. Ryann- How about we make a deal. We help you think of drink names and you have to tell us the reaction you get when you order them. Megan- Ooooh yes! Harry- Fine. Megan changed the name of the group to COCK TALES I canā€™t help myself, I burst out laughing. Not the quiet, cute kind of laughing. The insane, rolling around, nearly falling off the couch kind of laughing. I do drop my phone on the floor but I manage not to hit the ground myself. I pull myself together and notice all the guys are staring at me like Iā€™m crazy. ā€œYou alright there?ā€ Alex asks, staring like Iā€™m a creature in a zoo. I wave him off as I lean off the edge of the couch. I basically have to crawl half off it to reach my phone but I just refuse to stand up. Iā€™m sure I look absolutely ridiculous but I just donā€™t care. ā€œIā€™m all good. Just dropped my phone Megan is being funny is all.ā€ They all shrug and get back to work. Itā€™s only been a minute but I have more messages in the group chat. COCK TALES Harry- A girl after my own heart <3 2/5 67- Codes and cocktails Megan- Youā€™re an Incubus asking for dirty drink ideas. The pun was bound to come up eventually. Harry- Canā€™t argue there. Now, I need ideas. Megan- Pornstar Martini? Megan- French Kiss shot? Megan- Panty Dropper? Harry- Keep ā€˜em coming. Iā€™m making a list. Megan- Screaming orgasm, Blowjob shot, Sex in the Drivewayā€¦ Harry and Megan spend the next hour listing drinks most of which I have never heard of. They get very into it and eventually Iā€™m not even sure theyā€™re listing real drinks anymore. They might just be making up names that sound good. I donā€™t even notice when my movie ends until Alex clears his throat behind me and this time I jerk so hard I DO fall off the couch. I somehow end up tangled up in my blanket and after a moment of struggling I give up and just stay where I am on the floor. Hoping to regain some sense of dignity, I straighten the blanket around me and turn to face Alex who is watching me with an amused expression. He is clearly trying his best not to laugh at my clumsiness. ā€œAh, missā€¦ miss Gale. Are you okay? Do you need a hand?ā€ I begin to shake my head no then. change my mind. ā€œUh yeah, I probably could use some help detangling myself. Iā€™m not quite sure how I managed this.ā€ Alex does an admirable job of keeping a straight face while he helps me pull the blanket off my legs. He grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet, but he pulls a little too hard and I fall straight into him with a thump, smashing my head painfully against his chest. He lets out a grunt as I basically ram into him and knock the breath from him. ā€œSorry!ā€ I back off immediately and tumble back into the couch. Shaun bounces over next to Alex, grinning at his friend he turns and winks at me. 3/5 67- Codes and cocktails ā€œCareful with this one, donā€™t wanna piss off Alpha Kane, heā€™s very protective of this oneā€ he laughs. Alex looks a little horrified. ā€œI was just trying to help, this is why I prefer working from the office. Itā€™s less stressful.ā€ I roll my eyes. ā€œYou guys are being dramatic. Alex, you did nothing wrong. Thanks for attempting to help. How is everything going?ā€ Alexā€™s face brightens. ā€œWe are just about done. Iā€™ll walk you through your new setup.ā€ Alex shows me how my windows now have locks that look like something out of a sciā€“fi movie. My door is apparently some special thing that looks like regular wood but has a steel panel inside. The doorframe itself has also been reinforced similarly although you wouldnā€™t know from looking at it. I donā€™t know exactly what theyā€™ve done but I canā€™t see any of the wires or cameras. Alex points out a tiny little camera lens that is visible above my front door. He borrows my phone for a minute and sets up some app that allows me to view the camera and it shows a good image of the area outside my front door. He promises there will be a second camera view added later that shows the car park but will be finished up tomorrow when they do Maggieā€™s place. He did explain why, something about the wiring but honestly I didnā€™t completely understand it and I just nodded along. He explains that the security y system is armed with my phone. It will go off every time the door is accessed but all i have to do to confirm my entry is enter a passcode on my phone. The same rule applies to the windows. There is also a help button in the phone app menu that will call them immediately, but if the alarm goes off and I donā€™t set the code within a minute it will automatically set an alert off for them and they will arrive as fast as physically possible. He has me practice entering the code a few times and gets me to change it to something I will remember, but something not too obvious. Really the same rules for all passcodes, donā€™t use your birthday or anything people will immediately guess after looking you up online. He makes me promise not to tell anyone and then shows me how I can access the app online from a guest phone if for some reason mine is missing, but it will only allow me to do that one time before I have to have someone come and confirm my safety and set up a new device. By the time he finishes. explaining, I have a headache. Although I have to admit itā€™s almost adorable how excited Alex is about the system. He apparently designed it, and is beyond proud. 4/5 Search the FindNovel.Ī·et website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.