Chapter 354 Chapter 354 “Felix, I’m telling you this one last time. I can give you my eyes, my legs, or anything you want except for Lulu. She’s my treasure and my bottom line. I won’t allow you to take her from me.” 29 I cried even harder, so much so that I struggled to contain myself. The hands over my lips were trembling, but I felt something fuzzy inside me. How lucky was I to have found such a loyal man? I took out my mental note and gave him 20 flowers. That said, I couldn’t just wait passively for him to bring me comfort and solace. I wanted to reduce some of his burdens too. “But what about me, Colin? I have nothing left. What should I do?” Felix groaned in despair. “Get up, Felix. We can talk about this later.” Colin leaned down to pick up Felix. Then, Felix went berserk. He shoved Colin away as his hands flailed around aimlessly. He dragged his numb legs and crawled on the floor. Colin was caught by surprise. He fell backward due to the force, and his back hit the handle of the wheelchair, producing a loud thud. “No! Go away! All of you are liars. Mom said she’d be my eyes. Dad said he’d be my legs. You said you’d take care of me forever. But I’m the one living in darkness without a ray of hope. I can’t walk. I even need someone to help me to pee, for Pete’s sake! S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findηʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. “None of you knows the pain I’m in. You’re just paying lip service. My life is ruined because of your pretentious cold. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be a cripple. I wouldn’t be blind. You owe me, Colin, and you can never fix this. “Will you be able to date Lulu knowing that you ruined me? Will you not feel guilty when you see me? Lulu is mine. She was mine the day she was born. Who said you can take her from me? Who said you could fall for her? She’s mine. MINE! Give her back to me, Colin, and I’ll forgive you for what you did. “Give her to me and I’ll.drop the grudges.” His back against me, Colin’s body was very tense. The hands he used to ruffle my hair curled into tight fists. He uttered painfully but solemnly, “Lulu isn’t an item. I don’t have the right to pass her around. She will decide for herself. Felix, Lulu is my reason to live. +15 BONUS “Without her, I’m as good as dead. Therefore, take my life.” Felix became more violent. His arms floundered. Only obsession and manía appeared in his beautiful place. His soulless eyes were like the bottomless abyss, the entry to hell. I was sure this wasn’t Felix’s first tantrum. Seeing it for the first time already made me want to punch him. And Colin had to live with this every day while working and taking care of him. I could imagine the stress on Colin. “I don’t need your life, Colin. I only need Lulu. You took your brother’s girlfriend. You’re a dick. You think you can fool everyone by pretending that you two are in love with each other? No, your hypocrisy never fades. I hate you. I hate you! “Even if you date Lulu, you won’t be happy. I’ll be the invisible gulf wedged between you two. I’ll haunt you two for the rest of your life. You owe me this. You do!”