Chapter 871 Chapter 872 "But the photos she took of it were very detailed, and it didn't look like a replica at all. A friend of mine wanted to rent the bag for a photoshoot, but the seller said she only wanted to sell it. After saving enough money, she contacted the seller again, but it turned out it was already sold. So, I don't think it's a replica. Besides..." That person paused. "I think Bella's bag has the same serial number as the one I saw online." The atmosphere became a little strange after that person said that. That person was implying that Bella bought the bag on a website that sold used items, and the bag was pre-owned. Bella was a rising fashion icon in showbiz and that was the last thing she wanted others to know she did. Everybody shifted their gaze to Bella. However, Bella acted rather calmly as she put on a faint smile. "You've probably made a mistake. I bought this from an authorized store." Stella looked for a moment before looking back at her phone. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findηʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. 'An authorized secondhand store.* She did not have any plans to expose Bella. After all, the bag did not have anything to do with her now. The bag was worth three million, but she sold it to Bella for five million. She made a huge profit. Besides, she would have to admit that the bag once belonged to her if she exposed Bella. She figured that people would start making assumptions about her since she was just a small actress, and there was just no way that she could afford to buy that bag. She did not want to get anybody's attention, so she kept her mouth shut. Bella probably knew Stella would think this way too, which was why she said that in front of everybody. Yolanda immediately chimed in. Bella can get just any bag she wants with her influence in the fashion industry." Stella kept quiet. She figured that Yolanda probably did not know how arrogant Hermes was. It was at the top of its game, and it looked down on everybody equally other than its partners. That was why even some very wealthy women could not always get the designs they wanted. Stella paused as she thought about that. She suddenly remembered how angry Keegan looked when she sold the bag. 'I guess he only acted like that because he spent a lot of effort just to get it for me. I was so silly. Why did I believe him when he said it was a gift from his client? What kind of client would give him such a valuable gift? Besides, why would his client give him a women's bag? Clearly, that prideful man wanted to cheer me up, but he ruined everything with his stupid mouth.' In fact, Keegan gave her plenty of bags when they were still married. That was the reason why she had such exquisite taste in bags. Keegan gifted her many expensive jewelry pieces and bags, yet she would only buy him discounted shirts in the mall. The most expensive thing she ever gave him was a two hundred thousand dollar watch on his birthday. Suddenly, she felt very sorry for Keegan. She gazed downward and smiled. Then, she sent a WhatsApp messenger to her friend specializing in jewelry design: [Can you make a pair of cufflinks for me?] Her friend replied very swiftly: [Do you want it customized?] Stella: [Yeah. I'll send you my design first so that you can touch it up. Then, just let me know how much it's going to cost.] Stella was still typing on her phone when the waiter accidentally dropped some sauce on her screen while serving the food. The waiter immediately apologized, but she just waved her hand, "It's okay.' Then, she took out a packet of tissues from her bag and cleaned her screen. The actresses at the table were chatting, and they just could not stop talking about Bella. Yolanda said, "I remember Bella participating in an observing program. It revealed that she has a walk-in closet in her house to put her bags in. There were so many classic designs in there." Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.