Chapter 770 Chapter 771 'This is probably the kind of feeling I have for Felicity. 'She's a little foolish. But she's loyal. She makes good food. She's hotheaded but she doesn't hold a grudge. 'I like straightforward people like her." After he thought that over, Vermont increasingly felt that he should make it up to Felicity. He did not want to lose a loyal friend who could cook well. So, he grabbed the alcohol and filled their glasses. "Miss ban-Felicity, sorry for eating the food instead of delivering it. You trusted me but I failed you. I'll apologize to you with this glass of wine. Please forgive me." Felicity was stunned. She then frowned. "Are you trying to manipulate me again?" Vermont was speechless. He did not blame Felicity for thinking that way. Vermont was too blunt when he asked her for forgiveness.She subconsciously felt that he might be up to something. He spoke more softly. "I'm really apologizing to you. After you exited the car last night, I deeply regretted what I did. You were so good to me. You made me good food and played games with me.But I ate your food and made you angry.I feel terribly sorry about it." He was still thinking about how to explain that kiss to her. He did not want to just talk about it out of the blue. He then heard Felicity say, "This wasn't the only thing you did wrongly. You even kissed me in front of Dr. Steven.I know you did that because you wanted to ward off your unwanted pursuers. But you should've taken my feelings into account, right? When Dr.Steven saw that, what would he think of me? I treat you as my friend. But you shouldn't just screw me over like that, right?" Vermont was speechless. Felicity already made an explanation for him while he was still thinking about how to justify that kiss to her. She thought Vermont used her as his shield and kissed her because he wanted to ward off the people pursuing him. To her, that kiss was meaningless. Vermont should have felt happy because he did not have to explain that kiss to her. But instead, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. 'She's really not treating me as the opposite sex. 'Or does she treat every man like this except for Corbin?" Felicity took the glass of wine from him. "Since you're apologizing to me so sincerely, and you bought me the Lafite, I'll forgive you. But you can't do that again. And you have to find time to explain it to Dr.Steven.I don't want him to misunderstand." Vermont pursed his lips. He reluctantly made an agreeing sound. Felicity drank the glass of wine. She then started eating happily. She clearly did not take that matter personally. Because when she was eating, she even said to Vermont, "You had so many ex-girlfriends.But your kissing skills are terrible. You bit my tongue." Vermont was speechless. Felicity's alcohol tolerance was only slightly better than Keegan's. But Keegan could control himself better than Felicity when he drank. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindηovel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Keegan knew he had a bad alcohol tolerance. So, he would try to avoid drinking alcohol. Felicity was a bad drinker. But she loved to have fun. She was talking while eating. She drank a few glasses of wine and four bowls of chicken soup.She started to get disoriented. Her cheeks were flushed.She was holding the fork, trying to take a piece of chicken from the pot of chicken soup. She failed to take it after several attempts. Felicity was furious suddenly. "I think you didn't mean it when you apologized to me. The meat you brought has legs.It ran away when I tried to take it.It didn't want me to eat it!" Vermont was speechless.He grabbed his fork. He then took the piece of meat and put it on her plate. Felicity was unhappy again. "Do you think I don't have hands? I can take it myself!" She then threw the meat on her plate back into the pot. She tried to poke the meat again. Five minutes later, her anger spiked. She threw the fork away. She then rolled her sleeves and stretched out her hand, wanting to grab the meat. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.