Chapter 451 Chapter 452 The doctor comforted her, "Don't be too stressed. Although you have the symptoms of premature ovarian failure, the good news is that we detected it promptly. Take good care of yourself and have your medication timely. You might still be able to get pregnant. I had quite a few patients that had premature ovarian failures. They managed to get pregnant after receiving treatments. You're younger than them. You still have a good chance." Stella almost totally did not listen to what the doctor said. The only thing in her mind was the word "infertility." Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findηovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. After the doctor wrote down the medication lists, she asked Stella again,' Did you really not take any long-term courses of medication? I noticed that your complete blood count detected some pharmaceutical ingredients." When Stella wanted to shake her head, she suddenly remembered that she had been taking an alternative remedy for a long time. Her facial expression changed slightly. She murmured, "I've been taking an alternative remedy for a long time. It was to increase the chance of pregnancy. But I'd not been taking it for almost a month. Was this the medication that was detected in my blood?" "I'm not sure. Do you still have that medication? You can give it to me and check what the ingredients in it are." The doctor printed out the list of medications and signed it with her name, "I feel that the medication you've been taking has something to do with your premature ovarian failure. After all, medicines are toxic. You've been taking it for a long time when you're healthy. You might develop health issues because of that." Stella's heart sank. She slowly guessed in her mind. 'Dahlia dislikes me so much. So why'd she still rush me to get pregnant? She said grandmas value the first grandchild. So, Dahlia wanted us to give birth to a baby before Chandler and his family. Chandler and his family must know about it. Why is Jackson still not married? Does Dahlia truly want me to get pregnant?' i Stella immediately called her housekeeper after leaving the doctor's office. She asked her to bring the alternative remedy Aurora gave her when she visited her last time at the hospital. Although many bottles in that box of alternative remedies were broken back then, there were still a few undamaged bottles. Maria felt that it was not good to throw them away because Dahlia gifted them. So, she kept them. Maria was very fast. She brought the things to Stella in less than half an hour. Stella was waiting for her downstairs at the hospital. After she got the things, she immediately took them upstairs to have the doctor look at them. After the doctor who examined Stella took the medicines, she then got two doctors from the alternative medicine department to come and find out the ingredients of the medicines. Felicity did not see Stella when she went back to the ward. She then called her. Stella said she was with the doctor. She told her she would go back to the ward in a short while. Felicity felt relieved when she noticed Stella's tone was normal. "I've contacted the person in charge from the funeral home. Stella, pick a time for the farewell ceremony and the cremation. I'll then inform your friends about it. Let's get Aunt Rainee's funeral done soonest possible." Stella answered, "Okay. Well discuss it when I come out later." After she ended the call, the three doctors had already written down more than ten ingredients of the alternative medicine on the paper in front of them. They even discussed it in front of her. Stella was anxiously waiting. She said, "Doctors, what's wrong with this medicine?" The oldest doctor asked, "This is the medicine the doctor gave you?" Stella pursed her lips, "I'm not sure. My mother-in-law had someone prescribe this medicine for me. She said this medicine can increase the chance of pregnancy." The old doctor lifted his glasses, "Miss, this isn't a medicine that can increase the chances of pregnancy." Stella's heart sank, "What's this then?" "This medicine indeed has many tonics. It can replenish your energy and help with blood circulation. But some of the ingredients are very dangerous. Ladies trying to get pregnant shouldn't even touch or eat them. And you even took this medicine for a long time. No wonder you have premature ovarian failure at such a young age." Stella looked cold gradually. A shiver ran down her spine. I'd been taking this medicine for such a long time. But I didn't suspect anything. Not even once!" She suddenly remembered what Jackson had said to her at the company back then. He said, 'Stella, did you not ask yourself why you couldn't get pregnant after trying for such a long time?'