Chapter 300 Chapter 300 "It's just a minor injury. It'll be fine even without medication. Sorry for troubling you." Although she said that, she still welcomed him into her room. She put the clothes on the couch aside and then asked Marshall to sit. "Mr. Moore, is plain water okay with you?" Marshall nodded. "Sure." Stella then poured a glass of water and gave it to him. Marshall opened the bag. He took out the medicated oil from the bag and handed it to her. " Rub some oil on your injury." Stella then took the oil. She bent her eyes as she thanked him. She immediately opened the bottle of oil and softly rubbed the oil on her wrist. Marshall looked around the room before he asked, "Where's Keegan?" Stella stopped moving for a moment. She pursed her lips as she said, "I'm not sure." When the security personnel on the ship accompanied Bella back to her cabin, she pulled Keegan to tell him something. After she got back to her room, Keegan then gave Stella an excuse to go out. 'Where else can this piece of garbage go other than going to Bella?' Stella said internally. She rolled her sleeve up a little. The color of one part of her inner forearm skin was different from the color of the other parts of her skin. It was slightly darker and not very smooth. Marshall stared at it for a while before he asked, "Is that a birthmark on your arm?" sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. "This? It's not a birthmark. This is a burn wound from back then." She had a birthmark. But, it was not on her arm. She paused for a moment after she said that. She obviously thought of the burn wounds on Marshall's body. 'My burn wound is nothing compared to the huge burn scar on Marshall's body. She thought and figured that she should not speak too much about it. Marshall, however, was not bothered. He asked, "How did you get burned?" It was not something that Stella could not talk about. So, she said, "A few years ago, my mother and I got into a car accident. My mom was hurt very badly. She's still unconscious in the hospital now. But, I was only hurt a little. This is the wound I got from that accident." She downplayed that incident. She was still haunted by that accident when she thought about. it now. She was going to return to the university that day. Initially, Albert's company arranged for a driver to fetch her. But, the driver suddenly had something to do. So, he could not fetch her. Rainee was about to go out and do something. So, she drove Stella. It was a rainy season in September. But, because a lot of schools reopened during that period, and there were many cars on the road. The traffic congested along the way. So, Rainee drove. the car very slowly. The road condition started to turn better at the ring road after they went through the viaduct. Rainee was constantly talking to someone on the phone along the way. Stella was wearing an earphone and listening to music while chatting with her friends. A truck suddenly switched lanes at the corner. And, Rainee subconsciously turned the steering wheel to the left. Then, she drove her car into another lane and collided head-on with an oncoming taxi. Rainee's car rolled over twice and overturned on the ground. Stella was trapped in her seat, and she could not move. Meanwhile, Rainee was thrown out of the car. After Stella was rescued and sent to the hospital, she was unconscious for many days. The police came to ask her some questions not long after she woke up. The investigation report showed that Rainee's car brake failed. It might be due to her frequently stopping the car during traffic congestion that day. And, they also found some antidepressants in the car. They thought that Rainee had depression when she drove. Hence, they suspected that she might have caused this accident deliberately. No matter how Stella explained to them that her mother was fine at that time, no one believed her. She wanted Albert to get a lawyer to prove her mother's innocence. But, Albert thought that if they clarified in court that Rainee did not have depression when she drove, it would mean that she was fully capable. The consequences would then be extremely serious. If she had depression at that time, it would mean that she was a person with limited disposing capacity. They could then go for civil mediation with the victims. And, they would be able to pay lesser compensation. Only kids would care about justice. Adults would only do what was in their best interest. Two died, and one was wounded in the accident. In the end, they only needed to pay over one million dollars in compensation. That was the first time Stella felt that Albert was a cold- hearted person. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.