Chapter 264 Chapter 264 Neon Nebula had four contracts: S, A, B, and C. 'A' contracts were typically given to people the company would focus its resources on. The company was relatively optimistic about these actors who had good commercial values. The revenue sharing was comparatively higher too. 'B' and 'C' contracts were less attractive. New talents would usually sign these contracts with the company. But of course, people who signed 'B' and 'C' contracts would occasionally stand out. Then they would be promoted and given the 'A' contract. 'S' contracts were very rarely given out. This kind of contract would be given to famous actors who received various awards. These actors were very popular nationally. Some were even handed the company's shares and bonded with the company for an extended time. Since Neon Nebula's establishment, it had only given out one 'S' contract. She was a very impressive senior actress. When she was thirty years old, she had already received awards from various categories. She had made her mark in the film and television industry. But unfortunately, those whom God loved died young. Two years ago, she died of an illness. Otherwise, Bella would not be able to become the leading lady of Neon Nebula. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findηʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Stella thought of signing a contract with an agency. It was purely incidental that she got the role in The Palace. Normally, it would be challenging for someone to get a role in a great show without a capable agency. Neon Nebula was very popular in recent years. Vermont was a social butterfly. He could get all kinds of resources. If Stella were to sign a contract with him, she would not need to worry about not getting a role in a show. But she did not want to sign with Neon Nebula. And Bella was the only reason for that. Setting aside their personal beef, Stella could clearly tell that Bella wanted a change. Bella had been frantically testing the waters this year too. She was also given an 'A' contract, and her viewing rate was impressive. Even if Stella came across a good show, if Bella wanted it, Vermont might not be able to help Stella get the role in the show, even if Vermont preferred her. 'I'd rather sign a rookie contract with another company. Because it'll at least be fair competition there.' She half-jokingly said, "If I were to sign with your company, I'd want to become the leading lady. Are you willing to dismiss your company's current leading lady?" Vermont was sharp too. He instantly understood what she meant. "Are you talking about Bella? You don't have to worry about her. Her contract is expiring soon. I don't think she's planning to sign a new contract with me." Stella was surprised. "Ms. Young has such high commercial value. Are you willing to just let her go?" Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.