Chapter 1137 Chapter 1148 Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Fɪndηovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. 'It seems like she's fine with it,' thought Vermont. "May I know why you still have his clothes?" "Well, my mom bought them. There was no way we were going to let him have it," Felicity rightfully said. "My mom was going to give the clothes to my uncle, but they didn't fit him. She was reluctant to get rid o it, so she kept it. A lot of the labels have not even been removed yet. They're probably considered antiques." "Do you have a good relationship with your dad?" asked Vermont, wanting to learn more so that it would be easier for Felicity's family to like him. "It's not good per se, but it's not bad either. We didn't really have much time together. My dad is not from here. When my mom married him, she lived far away from here for six or seven years. She then took me back to live with my grandma and got divorced in less than two years. My dad was still in school back then, so I didn't get to see him much. He finished high school and wanted to study abroad. My mom was not willing to go with him to the city, and they had a fight about it. Since they couldn't come to an agreement, they decided to go their separate ways and signed the papers. My dad has been pretty good to me, but there's been a lot of tension between him and my mom. He started a family a long time ago. I have a half-brother, you know? But his current wife doesn't like us being in contact, so I don't really take much initiative to get in touch with him." Vermont picked out the gist of everything and thought,' Okay. Mom hates the old man. In conclusion, approach with caution.' Felicity opened the bathroom door and handed him a towel. "Wash up. And, remember to throw out your dirty clothes later." "My back hurts," said Vermont. "Well, of course it hurts. You freaking fell from a tree! You shouldn't have run when Richie chased after you, dummy." "It's not like I wanted to run. That dog is massive. He chased after me with his tongue out, drooling all over. It's called reflexes, Felicity." Felicity laughed and said, "Look at you. You're the big boss of a company, yet you got chased by Richie. Don't you know that the more you run when a dog chases you, the more excited it gets? The trick is to bend down and pretend to pick something up to throw at them. I guarantee that 80% of dogs would fall for it." "What about the other 20%? Half of them are rabid dogs while the others are police dogs. What do I do if I come in contact with them?" "Cut the crap and wash up." Felicity pushed Vermont into the bathroom and said, "I'm going to go get us both something to eat." Seeing her go, Vermont closed the door reluctantly. He thought his experience tonight was strange, but there was a bigger surprise waiting for him. Vermont finished cleaning himself up and changed into a fresh set of clothes. He carried his dirty clothes out and went to ask Felicity where he could put them. His clothes were covered in thorns, so they could not be directly thrown into the wash. Felicity was cooking. She asked Vermont to grab a hamper on the front lawn and put his clothes in there. "I'll deal with it tomorrow," she said. Vermont went to the yard to look for the hamper and found it tucked away under the sink. He crouched down to get it. But something kicked him right in the ass. He then heard a female voice behind him say, "You thief! How dare you steal from my house!" As she said that, the woman grabbed a broom and hit Vermont. Felicity saw that as soon as she walked out the door. "Mom! That's my friend!" she yelled. Both Florence and Vermont were stunned. 'I should have checked my horoscope before coming out today,' thought Vermont. Once the mall incident became viral, the public's opinion gradually began to change. The netizens were questioning Bella's fan group after they lost control of their actions. The video of Stella protecting the girl from the glass also made the public view her differently. It was clear that Stella had a chance to escape when danger struck, but she chose to pull a stranger away from danger. This contradicted the public's assumption that she had pushed Bella down the stairs because of jealousy. They believed that someone who was cruel and vicious could not show that kind of compassion. At the same time, the girl's parents also sent out a post on Facebook, thanking Stella for keeping their daughter safe.