Chapter 526 Chapter 526 “Second, you are not allowed to take them out of Westchester without my permission. If they leave the city without my explicit permission, | will reclaim full custody of them.” Deal.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ƒ)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. “And third,” he peered into her eyes, and announced solemnly, “You can’t remarry. If you remarry, | will reclaim full custody of them as well.” “Deal.” Sylvia answered readily. She had no plans to ever marry again. Seeing that he was done with his terms, Sylvia said, “If you have no other requests, I'll be taking my leave now.” “Hmm.” He remained in his seat, a dark shadow enveloped him. Without staying a moment longer than necessary, Sylvia turned and left. In the morning Aunt Tonya knocked on the door at the same time as usual. Sylvia opened her eyes. Liam was awake and already dressed himself. Sylvia woke Isabel who was lying on top of her. Just like the previous mornings, she took them to the living room after they had washed up and gotten dressed. Only Aunt Tonya and the butler were in the living room. Odell was nowhere to be seen. She thought about their conversation concerning the divorce, and turned to the butler with a stern frown, “Sebastian, do you know where Odell went?” The butler answered dutifully, “He left in the middle of the night last night. It seems that he had an urgent matter that he had to take care of.” “Alright.” Sylvia did not press for more information. She ate breakfast with the kids and sent them to kindergarten. After watching the two enter the kindergarten hand in hand, she turned around and took out her phone to call Odell. ll rang a few times before the call was finally picked up. Sylvia was about to ask him where he had been, but he cut her off before she could get a word in, “Finalize the divorce settlement agreement and meet me at City Hall at three today afternoon.” “Okay.” Sylvia responded in a cheerful voice. Then, she ended the call and drove to Sherry’s. Borrowing Sherry’s computer, she added the three terms that Odell had proposed to the divorce settlement agreement. Then, she printed out three copies Sherry observed Sylvia at work and felt like she had to ask, “Sylvia, don’t you think his condition about you not marrying again is crossing the line a little?” “He is willing to give me full custody of both Liam and Isabel. | don’t think that’s excessive at all.” Sylvia had never even imagined that he would give her custody of both children. Sherry frowned and asked, “But what if you meet a man that you like in the future?” “It won't happen.” She was done with romantic relationships It was too exhausting Having Isabel and Liam by her side was all she needed. At Carter Tower Although the weather was considered rather pleasant, there was a cloud of fog, surrounding the tower From the top floor of the tower to the basement, every single person that was employed at the Carter Tower scrupulously went about their duties Not a single one of them dared to slack ofl at work Meanwhile, in the office on the top floor. Odell had been working since he had arrived at the tower last night and ordered the lights to be turned on Not only had he cleaned up the outstanding work that he had left from the previous days, but he had also gathered all the supervisors of each department for a meeting. They went over every single ongoing project in the company, during which two junior executives had even been fired in the process of the meeting. At the moment, he was sitting in his usual leather chair. Alter he wrapped up the phone call, he took a break from work and stared absent-mindedly out the glass window, his mind drifting off somewhere else. Knock knock Asteady knock sounded on the door. Odell announced, “Come in.” The door was pushed open and cliri appeared. “Master Carter, 1 found the Greenstein Hospital you were talking about,”