Chapter 267 Chapter 267 Tara tossed a tumbler at where Edmund sat earlier. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ƒindNoᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. You’re just some low-life gangster. What gives you the right to order me around?!’ What irritated her more was that despite Edmund being a gangster, he did not rape Sylvia after the first meeting. Instead, he went through all the effort of preparing the yacht to confess to that woman. It would have been fine if it was just a simple confession, but Odell was involved. Tara believed Sylvia must have set this up. ‘It’s been a few years since then, and this bitch has gotten better at toying with men.’ The thought of Odell taking Sylvia away from Edmund upset Tara. Her chest started to hurt. She tossed everything on the table and shouted, “You bitch, I won’t let you succeed! You couldn’t beat me before and you will never beat me now!” Sylvia came home to take a bath. She had to wash her face with cold water a few times to calm herself down before she headed to bed. It was already midnight when she finally lay down. She stared at the ceiling blankly and was far from sleepy. It was until her phone beeped that she retracted her blank thoughts. It was a message from Edmund. “Syl, are you home yet? Did Odell do anything to you?” “I’m fine. I’m already home. You don’t need to worry.” She clearly remembered when Odell abducted her, Edmund was fighting Odell’s men. She asked, “Are you okay?” “I’m as fit as a tiger. Of course, I’m okay.” Sylvia sighed a breath of relief. She said, “I’m sorry that I dragged you into this.” If she did not promise to treat him to dinner, Odell would not have stormed the place with his army of bodyguards. What baffled Sylvia the most was why Odell would have brought an army to the lake. She was just treating Edmund to dinner. The scene of the army of intimidating men in black suits still gave her the chills now that she thought of it. Could it be that he really liked her? No, she refused to believe it. She knew how a person would behave if he or she was in love. If he really liked her, he would not have picked on her and insulted her like that. Maybe it was because she was his ex-wife, and he did not want to see her being too close with other men. It was a sign of being over-possessive. Her phone beeped again. Edmund texted, “Sigh. I just want to have dinner with you. Why is that so hard?” Sylvia sighed helplessly as well. She texted back, “I’ll definitely make up for what happened tonight but not in the next few days.” Edmund did not reply. Sylvia felt embarrassed. A quick thought later, she texted him about the inside news she got on several events that would be hosted by the art association. Two veteran artists, whose paintings were valuable and highly sought-after, would be holding their exhibition soon, so the art association did not advertise the event just yet, just to maintain the exclusivity. Since Edmund loved to collect art, she thought of making it up to him by providing him the time and loca tion of the exhibitions. She even added, “I’ve told my friend to keep an eye out for me. If you decide to go, just mention my name and they will let you in.” “Oh, really? I thank you first.” “You’re welcome.” It was then, she received a text from Odell. “Are you asleep?” Sylvia wore a cold look and did not want to reply to him. However, on second thought, if she ignored him, he would probably call her later and ask her why she ignored her. For the sake of the kids, she replied, “What?” “You’re still not asleep at this hour? Are you chatting with Edmund?” Sylvia was speechless.