Chapter 1241 Chapter 1241 They were large men all dressed in black. Their faces could not be made out as they were wearing masks and caps. The car promptly drove out of the villa‘s district. The other bodyguards were in close pursuit in their cars. After swerving past several streets and drifting through several junctions, the black car finally managed to shake off its pursuers after a quick turn around a particular fork of the road near the foot of a cliff. After shaking them off, the driver of the car whistled candidly. The car continued charging down the road. Everyone in the car suddenly turned to look at Sherry in unison. Sherry grinned and thanked them. “Thanks for bailing me out of there.” The two men seated with her in the backseat merely looked at her and did not utter a word. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰind_ηovel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. One of the men reached for something behind his back. It seemed like he wanted to hand something to Sherry. Blart Suddenly, a loud fart broke the silence. Everyone in the car seemed taken aback by this. Even the driver who was driving turned back to look. Sherry clutched her hands over her stomach with an embarrassed look. “I'm sorry, | was so nervous when we were trying to get away back there, | have this thing where my stomach gets upset whenever | get nervous. Do you mind stopping the car for a bit so | can take care of business? I'll be right back.” Immediately after saying that, she farted several more times. The car came to a stop, and the driver pinched his nose and looked at the other men. The man in the passenger seat said, “I just bought this car and have barely taken it for a spin yet. Go settle your business and come back quickly. We don't have the patience to wait too long.” Sherry hurriedly said, “Okay, okay, I'll be back before you know it.” She quickly opened the door, got out of the car with a hand still pressed over her stomach, and stumbled toward the side of the road. Inside the car, the three men exchanged a conflicted look. After a momentary pause, the man in the passenger seat got out of the car and followed Sherry, making sure to keep a reasonable distance. An hour later, in the Stockton family's residence. The bodyguards who tried to pursue Sherry returned to the villa, all of them with their heads bowed to the ground as they frightfully walked back to John. John was waiting at the entrance. He glared at them with hostility. “Where is she?” One of the bodyguards answered in a feeble voice,“ Master Stockton, we had a hard time catching up but we eventually caught up after we made a turn around the cliff, but...” John's eyes narrowed. “But what? Say it!” The bodyguard stuttered , “Something happened to her. We believe she was murdered.” John suddenly charged in front of the bodyguard and kicked him in the stomach. The gold-framed glasses he wore barely managed to conceal the venom in his gloomy eyes. He bent down and grabbed the bodyguard by the collar and hissed menacingly. “What are you saying?! She was murdered? Tell me exactly what happened! ". The bodyguard was frightened and turned to look at the other bodyguards as if asking for help. John turned his attention to them immediately. One of them who was seated furthest to the back approached John and presented to him a coat and a scarf. Both of the articles of clothing were stained with blood. The iron and rank smell of blood stung their noses. John's face turned pale. “What is this?” The bodyguard murmured, “This is what she wore when we last saw her.” John frowned. “What is this nonsense ? She never wore anything like this!” That was when Julie suddenly appeared and informed meekly, “Brother, | believe | saw her back then. This was the same coat that she was wearing and she covered her face with this scarf. That's why | didn't recognize her at the time.” 1 John seemed to be reeling back from the shock of this revelation. 1 Another bodyguard said, “Master Stockton, there was no one in the car when we found it. The only thing we found was this coat and scarf laying on the ground in the woods nearby. There was a lot of blood on the ground and we eventually spotted a cliffa short distance from the car that leads to a river. We believe something bad has happened to her.” Previous Chapter Next Chapter Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.