Chapter 100 Chapter 100 Sylvia was shocked when she found oui “Ile’s not eating” Odell did not answer the stony expression on his face was basically telling betootopher prelease Sylvia recalled low Tristan looked when be liad come to lier yesterday He seemed slirasies and rather weak, and i was a surprise to her that starvation was the son for in she had no idea he could go down the extreme path, and neither would she have instigated lumn to do so She looked at Odell and said, “I’ve rejected him many times now I don’t care whether you believe me or not, but I never instigated him to stop eating, so that he could convince his parents.” Her eyes widened in determination Odell was surprised for a moment Then, he regained his stem face and said, “If you really rejected him, he wouldn’t have gone on a hunger strike against his parents” Sylvia did not know why Tristan chose to be stubbom and extremne ll even confused her feelings for him Feeling helpless, she insisted, “Odell, I’m telling the truth” “Hmph When you crawled into my bed back then, you said that you were framed as well,” he recalled with a scoff “If you were framed, as you claimed, why would you have been so happy to marry me?” She claimed that she had rejected Tristan, but with his parents agreeing to thern being together, given her past endeavors, she would probably be happily married to Tristan ini a matter of days sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Sylvia was silenced A while later, she stared into his eyes and said, “I was blind to have fallen for you back then. If I didn’t have those blinkers on, even if I were framed ten tlines over, I would never have married you” Odell reacted grimly to her words. He glared at her with a blade-like gave Refusing to back away, Sylvia returned a stern gaze The room went quiet for several seconds “Get out,” he said. “I want to see the kids. If you don’t let me see them today, I won’t leave Sylvia then set hersell down on the couch.. “Don’t you get ahead of yourself!” She raised a brow “If you let me see the kids, I’ll leave right away” He stared at her “I will call security to throw you out” “Yeah, and if you do that, I’ll tell then you had an affair in your past marriage You slept with another woman while your ex wife was pregnant Now that you have a girlfriend, you still go Lo your ex-wife’s place to be a freeloader. I want your company to know you are a piece of garbage!” Sylvia grinned she acted like she was not afraid of him at all Odell pursed his lips coldly He would have sliced her len times over if his eyes could kill Sylvia quivered at his cold glare She could not help but say, “You made me do this!” Her patience was limited Her children were her bottom line, and yet he used them against her multiple times, and now he forbade her to see them because of a picture Sylvia could not tolerate him anymiore. Odell went silent She felt the chills from his gaze but bit the bullet and sal there firmly A few seconds later, he got up His tall and rigid figure closed in on her He reached out and grabbed her by the collar, seemingly wanting to pick her up Sylvia quickly clung to the couch Odell tried to pull her away from the couch but failed after multiple tries. The surly look on his face put a grin on hers. “If you let me see the kids, I’ll go. If not, don’t even think about it.” Her grin seemed cunning and also provocative Odell grunted. He grabbed her hands and pulled her off the couch Due to the sudden momentum, she lost her balance with a quick glance, she used the loss of balance and threw hersell onto him and clung to him tightly. Odell froze He looked down at his chest and saw Sylvia hugging him tightly She did not notice how inappropriate the posture was Instead, she made faces and provoked him, “Odell, if you don’t let me see the kids, don’t even think about throwing me out” Her face was blushing while her eyes glimmered and her lips looked extra luscious. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.