Chapter 653 Chapter 653 The lingering sweetness within Emmanuel gradually faded away after he hung up the phone. There were two pressing matters at hand. First, he had to help his dear wife resolve the crisis. Second, he had to quickly rescue Claudette from the Lenoir residence, or Magnus might destroy her at any moment. After reaching out to Eve, she swiftly responded. ‘We’re ready to move out whenever you are!‘ Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. With that, Emmanuel put his phone down and prepared to sneak out of the house, but unexpectedly, he received a text from Laura just as he was about to leave. ‘Come quick!‘ Coincidence much? Initially, Emmanuel already decided to take action instead of waiting until Laura gave him the okay. After all, he had also received news from Quintus, saying the two–faced Magnus broke three of Claudette’s fingers to see if she would wake up. He didn’t think he would receive a text from Laura just when he was about to move out. This meant that it was the perfect time. Very quickly, Emmanuel arrived at the Lenoir residence alone. “Who goes there?” The guard raised his hand to stop him. “Emmanuel Lowe, here to visit Claudette for medical purposes,” Emmanuel explained his purpose directly. “Please wait while I inform Madam.” It was getting late, so the guard needed the Lenoir family’s permission to allow Emmanuel inside. Emmanuel was puzzled. Seems like General Lenoir isn’t home again. What is the situation in the Lenoir family right now? Before long, Laura personally came to greet Emmanuel, accompanied by several servants. “You’ve arrived, Dr. Lowe. Please, come in!” Emmanuel became even more baffled, for the people around Laura were all unfamiliar faces. At least, he had never seen them every time he came to Lenoir residence. Still, he remained calm and followed Laura into the house. “You deserve a big cash envelope from me, Dr. Lowe, for coming to treat my daughter during the holidays.” Laura suddenly approached Emmanuel enthusiastically, flirting with him as she handed him a handsome cash envelope. “Thank you,” said Emmanuel as he accepted the envelope. But he couldn’t figure out what Laura was up to. “Hehe, your hand is so warm, Dr. Lowe. And your fingers… They’re so long. I love them so much!” Laura continued to flirt with Emmanuel, making him uncomfortable with all the teasing. “Sorry, Mrs. Lenoir, I need to use the restroom first!” Emmanuel quickly excused himself to the restroom, avoiding her advances. “Aw, so bashful.” Laura remained bold as ever. As Emmanuel entered the restroom, he discovered that two men were following him, and instantly he knew he was being monitored. Things are really strange here. “I need to use the toilet. Are you two going to follow me in as well?” Emmanuel turned around, coldly addressing the two bodyguards. With that, the two bodyguards turned around and stood in position. Emmanuel frowned and entered the restroom, locking the door behind him. With his reconnaissance abilities as a Wolf Warrior, he quickly confirmed that there were no surveillance devices inside. Only then did he discreetly open Laura’s cash envelope and, indeed, found a note inside. ‘Adolph has suddenly been transferred, and Lenoir residence’s security system is now under Deputy General Reginald Hawthorne’s full control. He is a spy planted by the Zelinsky family in the Lenoir family. Everyone’s every move within the Lenoir residence, including the electronic systems, is under his surveillance.’ At this point, Emmanuel finally realized why Laura would provide him with information the way she did. He wondered, however, how she managed to evade Reginald’s electronic surveillance when she sent that brief message. As for General Lenoir’s sudden transfer, was it also the work of the Zelinsky family? There were a series of mysteries Emmanuel couldn’t figure out for the time being, nor did he have time to investigate further either. His purpose in coming to the Lenoir residence that night was solely to rescue Claudette.