Chapter 1987 Chapter 1988 “If you don’t cut this out, I’ll get serious!” Yuna threatened with a sinister smile. “We’ll stack bricks under your heels, and once they reach a certain height, your legs will be ruined. It’s one of the ten ancient tortures. It hasn’t been used in ages, but for those long legs of yours, it’d be such a shame if they were to go to waste, wouldn’t it?” Yuna spoke of brutal torture as casually as if she were playing a game. Owen suddenly found himself trembling. His earlier infatuation with her seemed to vanish in an instant. Beneath that stunning beauty lay the soul of a demon. Roselynn clenched her teeth, her resolve wavering. If I can survive, I’ll have the chance to fight another day. I need to have faith in Emmanuel and Santiago. I have to believe that if Gwain can master the Dragon Tome, they still stand a chance against him. Chapter 1988 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation But… what if they can’t? The fear of future regret gnawed at her. 0461%% 館 Ever since her disastrous marriage to Jaxton, she had sworn to never make decisions she’d regret. “Do it!” Yuna, much like her father, Teddy, didn’t believe in dragging things out. She gave her orders, and her bodyguards moved immediately. The first brick was placed beneath Roselynn’s heels, and her tendons began to stretch painfully. By the time the second brick was added, veins bulged across her legs as the pain intensified. If the third brick were added, her tendons would surely tear, leaving her crippled for life. 2/10 Chapter 1988 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation “Stop!” Just as the bodyguards prepared to move, a commanding voice echoed through the room–it was Jenson Quill. 61% ## “Dad! What are you doing here?” Owen asked immediately, stunned to see him. Slap! Jenson delivered a sharp slap across Owen’s face, his voice booming with anger. “What do you think you’re doing? Who told you to bring this woman back? You’ve really messed up this time! Do you even realize it?” Owen covered his cheek, too afraid to speak. Gwain, sharp–minded as always, understood that Jenson’s anger directed at -his son was just for show. Owen’s trouble stemmed from them, after all. In the next moment, Jenson turned to Gwain, clasping his hands in a gesture of respect. “Mr. Lannister, this woman shouldn’t concern the Quill family. But 3/10 Chapter 1988 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation 請 today, Emmanuel barged into my father’s birthday banquet, threatening that if anything happened to her, he would wipe out the Quills.” Gwain snorted derisively. “Are all of you Quills just a bunch of cowards? Do you really think a nobody like Emmanuel can intimidate such a large family?” Jenson dared not offend the Lannister family. Instead, he forced a smile. “Mr. Lannister, the Quill family is no match for your family. We may be small fr but Emmanuel is the Grandmaster of Nuthana and the favored son–in–law of Old Mr. Silverbane. He wields considerable power, and we can’t afford to provoke him!” Gwain let out a disdainful grunt, refusing to engage further. Yung took the lead. “So, what you’re saying is..” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ƒind ηøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. The Tanner family served as a pillar of support for the Quills, so her words held more weight than Gwain’s. Jenson, lowering his gaze, replied, “Ms. Tanner, Emmanuel will be coming to 09:29 Fri, Nov 15 24618 Chapter 1988 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation the Quill estate tomorrow. Once we deal with him, you can deal with this woman however you like.” Clearly, he wanted to steer clear of the mess and not end up being used as pawns by the Lannisters. Truth be told, the Quills had no substantial ties to the Lannister family. There was no reason to jeopardize their own standing just to please them. “Since you’re so scared of Emmanuel, why don’t we just take him out first and then deal with her later?” Yuna suggested with a sly smile, confidence gleaming in her eyes. Jenson didn’t share her certainty. “I’ve heard that Emmanuel has formed his own unit. Even the legendary instructor of Griffin Corps, Robert, is his apprentice. His influence is immense. If it comes down to a direct confrontation tomorrow, we might not even win!” “If the Quills and Silver Fox Military together aren’t confident of a sure victory, but what if we bring in the entire might of Eldoria?* 09:29 Fri, Nov 15 Chapter 1988 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation “Uh…” 2461% Jenson paused, then said, “Ms. Tanner, you’re overestimating our family. In truth, more than half of Eldoria’s forces are against us. Convincing them to help us would be no easy task!” “While they might be against you, they might just listen to me!” Yuna winked at Gwain clearly pleased with herself. Tanne “Ms. Tanner, do you really have that kind of ability?” Jenson’s eyes lit up, not out of doubt, but with excitement. “Over twenty years ago, my great aunt captivated the entire nation with a single dance. She changed the course of the national election and rose to become one of the Four Beauties. People still talk about her to this day!” Yuna spoke with confidence. “My father raised me to her standards, and with guidance from my other aunt, I may not be able to dazzle the world as she did, but I’m pretty sure I can win over all of Eldoria!” #i 09:29 Fri Nov 15 1980 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation Hearing this, Jenson was thrilled. “Great! With your promise, Ms. Tanner, we’ll go all out against Emmanuel tomorrow. Once he’s out of the picture, we can finally sleep soundly!” Yuna smiled triumphantly. For the moment, she stopped paying attention to Roselynn. Gwain and his men followed her lead and retreated to a side room. Once they were alone, Wyatt said, “Mr. Gwain, it seems Yuna is willing to go to any lengths to win your favor.” Hank chimed in with a teasing grin, “She might be ruthless, but she’d make a perfect wife for you, Mr. Gwain. She could help you achieve great things!” However, Gwain didn’t look as convinced. After a moment of thought, he said, “That woman is no simple character. She’s been trying to get on my good side because my reputation surpasses hers. She’s using me to boost her own image. 09:29 Fri, Nov 15 Chapter 1988 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation “She’s ambitious. Even though people call her one of the new Four Beauties, she lacks the kind of legendary story that changes the fate of nations.” “If she pulls this off, her standing will rise across the board, and her attitude. toward me will undoubtedly change.” Both Wyatt and Hank nodded in agreement. 設 There was no denying it–while Gwain’s martial arts skills weren’t on par with the likes of Santiago or Yorick, he was still the brightest star of the new generation, both in intellect and strength. With the right support, it was only a matter of time before he would claim the pinnacle of Chanaea. As for Yuna, if she was willing to submit to Gwain, all the better. But if she ever thought of surpassing him, she wouldn’t have a pleasant end. The night deepened. 09:29 Fri, Nov 15 Chapter 1960 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation Eldoria was destined to have a sleepless night. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Sage led Emmanuel to the base of the Wolf Warrior Unit. He quickly reported, “Commander, even with your badge, Eldoria remains the gateway to Zovince. No army can enter the city at will. Forcing our way in could alarm the congress.” Emmanuel had anticipated this and waved it off. “No matter. The Wolf Wo or Unit won’t need to enter Eldoria. As long as we prevent the Silver Fox Military from getting in, we’ve already secured our victory.” With no armies on either side, Emmanuel couldn’t imagine how they could lose with hundreds of martial artists from Dark Night Islands entering Eldoria. Sage was a bit taken aback. “Emmanuel, are you planning to deal with the Silver Fox Military now? Emmanuel nodded. The Silver Fox Military’s main base wasn’t located in the heart of Eldoria. 09:29 Fri, Nov 15 B Chapter 1988 The Beauty Who Captivated a Nation 2461% With the right control over the flow of information, no matter how intense the battle was on the outskirts, the people inside the city wouldn’t hear a thing. 09-29 Fri, Nov 15 Chapter 1989 Someone’s Gotta Stand Up for Met Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.