Chapter 1984 Chapter 1985 “Sh*t. That man is so cool!” Even the men in the crowd couldn’t help but exclaim in awe. 78% They had never seen a man who dared to slap a woman from the Quill family and leave the scion of the Tanner family teetering on the edge of death. The bodyguards, finally recovering from their shock, rushed forward in unison. None of it mattered because the moment they got close to Emmanuel, they were flung back, as though repelled by an invisible force that sent them crashing away one after another. The banquet hall erupted into chaos. What had been a lively celebration was now a scene of utter ruin. On the second floor, Yuna stood frozen, watching the chaos unfold beneath her, that familiar feeling creeping up on her once more. Why is this man more attractive than Mr. Gwain? 1/10 08:56 Thu, Nov 14 o Chapter 1985 You Remind Me of Someone I Know “Don’t provoke me! Or I’ll have no qualms about murder!” 8x 78% Emmanuel didn’t harbor any deep hatred for these people as his goal was to save Roselynn. He had no time for their foolishness, so if they didn’t know when to back down, he wouldn’t mind making an example out of a few to get the message across. Sure enough, his words along with his dominating aura had stilled the crowd. No one dared to approach him again. Emmanuel walked calmly toward the staircase. As he made his way, people parted before him, like waves retreating from the shore. Clap! Clap! Clap! From the second–floor balcony, soft applause echoed through the hall. In a banquet like this, applause would normally blend into the background, but now it rang out with eerie clarity, drawing every eye toward the source. 200 08:56 Thu, Nov 14 Chapter 1985 You Remind Me of Someone I Know 94 78%8 Emmanuel glanced up, meeting the gaze of the veiled beauty of the Tanner Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Fɪndηovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. family. “Mr. Lowe, you truly are remarkable,” the woman complimented, smiling. “Can I have your name?” Emmanuel’s tone was blunt. “I don’t like talking to strangers.” “I’m Yuna Tanner!” she replied, pulling down her veil to reveal a face of breathtaking beauty, marked by a distinct beauty mole on her cheek. “What? One of the Four Beauties is here?” “My God. He’s even more stunning in person!” “Yuna, I love you! Can I have your autograph?” “Ah! I’m so overwhelmed! I never imagined I’d see the Four Beauties of Zovince in real life!” The crowd erupted into a frenzy. 白肉:78% Chatter 1955 You Remind Me of Someone Know Yuna had been discreet about her presence at the banquet, but as one of the Four Beauties, her fame was unparalleled. Wherever she went, she was followed by legions of fans. Most of the young men could hardly contain their excitement now that she had revealed herself. While the Quill family’s security couldn’t handle Emmanuel, they could easily manage the swarm of overzealous fans. “So, you’re from the Quill family. I heard they call you ‘Peony‘ from the Four Beauties of Zovince?” Emmanuel asked. His knowledge of the Four Beauties of Zovince came from conversations with Mackenzie. Yet, he couldn’t be sure whether she knew about it from personal experience or through her chats with Hattie. The crowd collectively held their breath. 2730 Chapter 1985 You Remind Me of Someone I Know #1 The Four Beauties of Zovince were known far and wide. No matter where they went, people would flock to them. The Beauties might not know everyone, but everyone certainly knew them. “It’s just a fleeting title. What is a flower compared to the mighty Grandmaster of Nuthana? A flower can be crushed at any moment by such a powerful man.” Yuna gave him a soft smile. “You’re good at playing weak,” Emmanuel remarked without hesitation. “But I can tell you’re not as fragile as you make yourself seem. You’re very good at using your advantages.” By painting herself as the weakling, Yuna had forced Emmanuel into a dead end. He couldn’t very well attack her now. If he did, he’d immediately become the villain in the eyes of everyone present. He had slapped Stella earlier because she was clearly in the wrong and showed no remorse. However, Yuna had done nothing offensive. Yuna had done nothing offensive. If he struck her just for talking to him, he’d 5/10 08:56 Thu, Nov 14 O Chapter 1985 You Remind Me of Someone I Know make an enemy out of every man. 包包78% Yuna has skillfully set the stage, positioning me as the antagonist. Naturally, the crowd would side with her. “Mr. Lowe, you flatter me,” Yuna replied with a charming smile. “I stopped you because I’m curious about something.” “Speak,” Emmanuel responded, straightforward as ever. “Did you fight Gwain, the man who rides a tiger?” she asked. “Yes.” He nodded. “And you won?” Yuna’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. She knew that Gwain was no match for Yorick. If Emmanuel won, does it mean he’s stronger than Gwain? If the public knows about this, Gwain’s reputation would crumble. Still, she had to ask. “I almost died,” Emmanuel added bluntly 肉:78 He wasn’t one to lie. If the fight had continued, he wasn’t sure he would have won, but he knew one thing–he would rather die than surrender. “He’s Shoiya’s Top Warrior. His goal is to defeat all the top warriors in Chanaea. I hope you, Mr. Lowe, will stop him.” Yuna’s words sent ripples through the room. The crowd had heard rumors of this man, but to hear that the one standing before them had fought him and lived was news to them. After witnessing Emmanuel’s display of strength, no one doubted him anymore. “Aren’t you close with Gwain? You should ask him to fight!” Emmanuel suggested. He had no desire to take on the responsibility of being a hero. This wasn’t his fight. It wasn’t part of his mission. 7/10 08:56 Thu, Nov 14 ས ཱཿ, 78% Chapter 1985 You Remind Me of Someone I Know At the mention of Gwain, the crowd grew even more animated, their faces lighting up with admiration. “Yes, Gwain should take on the challenge!” “Isn’t he the top two, along with the Northern Wolf Warrior? Now that the Northern Wolf Warrior is gone, he’s the only one who can carry the flag of Chandea Martial Arts Association!” “This Grandmaster of Nuthana doesn’t seem up to the task. This is a matter of representing Chanaea in the National Martial Arts War!” Men love to talk about these matters. Yuna’s smile grew more complicated as she listened. The crowd’s support is clearly behind Gwain, but how can he possibly defeat Yorick? “Mr. Lowe, are you the one they call the Northern Region War God, the Wolf Warrior?” Yuna’s words fell softly, but they sent shockwaves through the room. 8/10 08.30 Thu, Nov 78% Chapter 1985 You Remind Me of Someone I Know No wonder this man exudes such power and a chilling aura of bloodlust. He is the Northern Region War God–the hero of Chanaea. Stella, still clutching her stinging cheek, turned pale as she remembered her earlier words and the slap she had received. “No comment,” Emmanuel replied curtly. He wasn’t about to confirm or deny anything. “That must be it then!” Yuna smiled knowingly. “No wonder you and Mr. Gwain share the same heroic spirit. It’s an honor to speak with a war god like yourself.” “Ms. Yuna, forget about me. Do you know why we’re even sharing this conversation?” Emmanuel continued, “Because you remind me of someone I know. But in my eyes, she’s even more beautiful than you.” The crowd went dead silent. What the hell? Is there someone prettier than the Four Beauties of Zovince? Is 9/10 08:56 Thu, Nov 14 O Chapter 1985 You Remind Me of Someone I Know 2478% he serious, or is he deliberately humiliating Yuna? Everyone knows how pretty she is! Even the top celebrities of Chandea cannot compare! “Oh? And who is she?” Yuna asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “I should know her, shouldn’t I?” “I don’t know,” Emmanuel replied. “But she is also a Tanner, so you’re probably related. Otherwise, you two wouldn’t look so similar.” dow Yuna chuckled lightly. “Beauty is fleeting. Only heroes are remembered for all time. Like everyone else, I admire the Northern Region War God and hope that the Wolf Warrior will fight for Chanaea, to defeat the arrogant Martial Saint of Shoiya.* 08:56 Thu, Nov 14 O Chapter 1986 The Quill Family’s Ambush Feast