Chapter 185 Chapter 185 It was the rush hour after work. No sooner had the Bentley that Mackenzie was in passed a traffic light than a long line of cars formed behind her. Hence, even though Quintus was only one traffic light away, he was instantly left far behind. Not only that, a massive traffic jam was building up ahead! “D*mn it!” He slammed his hand against the steering wheel. Then, abandoning his Land Rover, which cost over two million, he climbed out of the car. Emmanuel happened to be passing by on his electric scooter right at that moment. Quintus immediately stuck out an arm to block his path. “Hey, buddy! Could you help me out?” Fortunately, Emmanuel reacted quickly and managed to hit the brakes in time. Otherwise, the impact would have sent this burly guy flying through the air! “What is it?” Emmanuel was a kind–hearted person, or else he would not have helped Terence the other day. He felt Quintus would not have done something so dangerous if not for some urgent matter. “It’s like this. I finally got my hands on two concert tickets after much difficulty. I planned on going with the woman I love, but I’m stuck in traffic. Could you help me to catch up to that Bentley in front?” Quintus replied frankly while pointing toward the intersection up ahead. Given the heavy traffic conditions, it would be a piece of cake for an electric scooter to catch up to the car. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Fɪndηovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Emmanuel was torn as he had been on his way to pick up his wife at Terence Group. Noticing his hesitation, Quintus quickly fished out the keys to his Land Rover and held them out toward him. “Here! I’ll give you my Land Rover in exchange for your electric scooter.” Emmanuel was flabbergasted. What the heck? Did I strike the lottery today? Exchanging my electric scooter that costs a couple thousand for an all–new Land.Rover? Nonetheless, he was not one to have an itching palm and replied, “I’ll pass on exchanging our vehicles. Just hop on. I’ll help you go after the car.” “Thanks, buddy!” With that, Quintus jumped onto the back of the scooter easily. Emmanuel was surprised by his agility. It looks like he’s retired from the army, just like me. A split second later, Quintus was the one exclaiming in astonishment. That was because Emmanuel was actually maneuvering the scooter with one hand while using his free hand to make a phone call. On top of that, he can still drive the scooter steadily. That’s some mad skills! -Needless to say, Emmanuel was calling Mackenzie to let her know that he might be late by half an hour. “That’s okay. Drive slowly. I’ve left the office early.” After hearing her reply, he no longer had anything to worry about and increased his speed to give chase. Alas, just as he was about to catch up to the Bentley, the road ahead cleared up, and the car quickly sped off. There was no way an electric scooter could possibly keep up. Even so, Emmanuel was determined. Going full throttle, he took a back road and continued the pursuit. Through the rearview mirror, Wally noticed they were being followed, and what he saw shocked him. “Ms. Quillen, I think Mr. Lowe is trying to catch up to us on his scooter with Mr. Lenoir.” “What?” Mackenzie lifted her gaze abruptly. She was also stunned upon looking in the rearview mirror and seeing Emmanuel on his electric scooter with Quintus behind him. Emmanuel, that id*ot! Was he a pig in his past life? Why is he giving another man a ride to chase down his wife? How clueless can he get? Emmanuel even stretched out a hand and shouted from behind, “Stop the car! Hurry up and stop the car!” “Ms. Quillen, should we pull over?” Wally enquired. He had no idea Emmanuel was unaware the woman in the car was his wife. “Don’t stop. We’re changing our destination. I want to go to the branch office. Shake them off,” she instructed. Wally may not know this, but I can clearly tell from Emmanuel’s expression that he doesn’t know I’m in this car. He just wants to help Quintus. I wonder what sort of incentive Quintus offered him. However, I must say those two grown men squeezed together on top of a small electric scooter is a rather unpleasant sight!