Chapter 1174 Chapter 1174 I’ve Got You Covered Thirdly, they even came up with the idea that she faked fainting! Why didn’t they try writing novels?! “Sir, do you need help?” A server came over to inquire just then. “I do. Do you have private rooms here?” 75% Emmanuel had discovered that Ashton suddenly fainted due to her internal injury and anger. He needed to attend to her urgently, otherwise, her life could be at risk. “Well, we do have private rooms, but they are quite expensive. One room costs 1800-” The server, a young girl, didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation. Misinterpreting the situation based on the surrounding discussions, she thought Emmanuel was being stingy. After all, he hesitated to spend 100 bucks on flowers. Maybe his girlfriend was just playing around with him. Otherwise, how could that woman who was lively just a moment ago suddenly faint? But before she could finish her words, Emmanuel handed her a gold card. “Whatever. Arrange it for me immediately!” “Oh, yes, sir!” The server hurriedly led Emmanuel to a private room. The onlookers were once again astonished. He was reluctant to buy roses but was quite willing to book a room! Was this how all men behaved? Emmanuel paid no attention to what others thought. He quickly entered the room, holding the unconscious Ashton. “Sir, do you need any other services?” The server still had no idea about Ashton’s situation, assuming it was just a playful act between a couple. “No, you can leave now.” “Alright, sir. Please be careful!” After the polite reminder, the server closed the door and left. In their establishment, many couples would book a room after enjoying some drinks. Especially when the girlfriend got a bit tipsy, the boyfriend would take the opportunity for some intimate moments. She was quite used to seeing such scenes. Emmanuel naturally had no idea what she meant by those words. Moreover, saving a life was the priority, and he couldn’t be bothered to speculate. He quickly locked the door and approached the unconscious Ashton, who was now lying on the bed. Although not much blood oozed from Ashton’s mouth, it had a slightly purplish-black color, indicating severe internal injuries. Emmanuel checked her breathing, which was becoming weaker. In this situation, there was no time to procèed slowly. Although not much blood gozed from Ashton’s mouth, it had a slightly purplish-black color, indicating severe internal Injuries. Emmanuel checked her breathing, which was becoming weaker. In this situation, there was no time to proceed slowly. Ashton was wearing a black bodysuit that day without any buttons. Emmanuel could only lift her clothes, passing over her abdomen, revealing some bruising. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ƒ)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Emmanuel continued to lift it further, revealing a breathtaking scene. Surprisingly, she only had pasties on. Perhaps it was to avold inconvenience in daily activities due to a larger size? Amidst the vast snowy white expanse, there were striking black marks. Emmanuel didn’t look where he shouldn’t. Instead, he looked at the bruising spreading toward the heart. It seemed that the woman from earlier that day had delivered an extremely forceful blow. If Ashton were an ordinary woman, she might have already been killed by that single strike. Emmanuel couldn’t help but marvel at the Lady-Raptor’s extraordinary physical resilience. Enduring such a blow would be challenging even for him, yet she managed to hold on until now. If her anger hadn’t gotten to her moments ago, she might have relied on sheer willpower to endure, thinking that it was nothing serious. “Her stagnant blood must be released directly before triggering her blood circulation.” He thought Lady-Raptor was lucky this time. If he, a Northern Region military doctor, wasn’t by her side when she fainted on the roadside, there she would have highly likely lost her life. Still, he needed tools. He had silver needles on hand, but that was it. Then, he summoned a server, who happened to be the girl from before. “Sir, is there anything you need?” “I need a knife, alcohol, and fire! Can you get them for me?” He needed to sterilize the silver needles and the knife to perform blood stasis and acupuncture on Ashton. However, the girl misunderstood. She wondered momentarily and assumed Emmanuel wanted to be romantic with Ashton. With a smile, she snapped her fingers. “Don’t worry, sir, I’ve got you covered.” I knew it was some kind of play! the young server thought after turning around. His girlfriend must’ve pretended to pass out to make him play along! But seriously, though, he’s not willing to spend money on roses but willing to splurge when it comes to having sex! First Unlock 5 Chapters (After Login) Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.