Chapter 252 Chapter 0252 “Do you understand what we’re saying?” “One hundred per cent,” I reply, trying to control the rage that is threatening to explode within me. (END OF FLASHBACK) And until then, I have to do as they want…. They’ll be watching even if I’ll be the one with Hugh, but something tells me there’s more to this ‘test‘ than they’re letting on and it makes me uneasy… I get up and follow them out of there. If someone is coming for him, then I somehow need to make sure they succeed in taking him. Zaia can’t lose him. A few hours have passed, and it’s confirmed that the one approaching is none other than Zaia and Atticus. Her wolf is stunning, dark red, big and powerful. She looks as deadly as she does beautiful… I have been watching Hugh through the cameras. He’s been hurt, but he’s coping well enough. He is a strong Alpha, but knowing that Zade was mainly responsible for his injuries was sickening. He is his son. “I’ll go give him food.” I stand up, glancing at the guard. He lowers his head to me but doesn’t seem bothered. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ƒind ηøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. “Why? He’ll be dead soon enough. I mean, we have intruders approaching this place. Ger’s voice comes. ‘I am certain they won’t be able to get in, besides why else have fucking food here for him? I reply coldly. “Such a little confidence when it comes to your woman… he chuckles, antagonising 1. me. +18 BONUS I’m sure she can, but I don’t want them to be prepared. I grab the food tray that contains half a sandwich, an onion and something else that I can’t even make out and motion for the guard to open the door. He keys in a code, and I hear the click of the lock opening and pull open the door. Hugh is bound to a chair in chains and his head is hanging to the right, although I can tell he’s exhausted, he’s refusing to let his head bow. Our eyes meet and for a moment there’s a spark of life in his eyes, but it is gone instantly when he sees the food tray in my hand. Confusion changes to realisation, then understanding, then anger and I finally find myself looking into the eyes of the Hugh Toussaint that I know. “You… traitor.” He snarls, “You hurt her, haven’t you!” “I’d keep it down if I were you,” I reply quietly. “Here eat.” Π I walk over and place the plastic tray on the table and remove the cover. “Why did you do this? She trusted you!” He snarls. I don’t respond knowing we are being watched, but at the same time, I wish I can tell him that it’s fucking killing me to do so. What fool wouldn’t want her in their arms? I was meant to protect her, cherish her and keep her safe, but I fucking didn’t. I couldn’t. I unlock one of his hands, and he grabs onto my sleeve. “Answer me, King!” But I pull free. “Eat. You don’t have much time before I cuff you again.” I say about to pocket the key but instead toss it on the far end of the table. A place he can’t reach, but if someone bursts into here… they can… I hope you have backup Zaia… Zade had seen her in action at the Rogue Pack and they were far more prepared this time. 2/3 +15 BONUS “I was beginning to accept you! I thought you had changed!” He snarls. “That’s a shame,” I say quietly. A deafening bang and the ground trembling makes me turn.. ‘Zaia Toussaint has just entered… I hope you are ready to prove exactly what side. you are on.‘ Gaultier’s voice comes into my mind. My eyes blaze as I turn, hearing the sound of someone approaching fast, my own heart is racing knowing that she’s so close… I hear a menacing growl that rings through this place. Zaia… She’s here. Moonlight Muse Author Thank you for reading Komentar Vote (ON’T +15 BONUS Chapter 0253