Chapter 846 Chapter 846 Mr. Joker's skills were well known to Micah. In this place, almost no one could match him. Yet, Nash had taken him down. "Captain York, don't forget whose territory you're on. If I wanted to harm Nina, I would've done it already," Micah said, his eyes gleaming with a cold light. Standing in front of Nina, Micah's words served as both a threat and a warning to Nash. He was making it clear that he could harm Nina anytime he wanted. Nina subtly gripped her gun, ready to use it if necessary. Micah continued, "I just want to have a few words with Nina. You wait at the door. Remember, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have had the chance to find them." Nash didn't respond but locked eyes with Nina. Under her silent plea, he reluctantly moved to the door. Even there, he remained vigilant, his eyes fixed on Micah with a fierce intensity. If Micah dared to harm Nina, Nash was prepared to kill him, even if it meant dying alongside her. Micah ignored Nash and focused on Nina. "Nina, you're probably wondering why I've been so good to you." Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ƒind ηøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. "Yes," Nina replied, staring at Micah. She wanted to know the truth but was also afraid of it. Her throat felt tight, as if something was lodged in it, making it hard to breathe. She quickly averted her eyes from Micah, unable to maintain eye contact. Micah stood behind her, "When I first saw you, I wasn't interested. I was just curious why a woman like you was there. Then, I saw the green emerald beads on your wrist. Those beads belonged to my sister, Ivy." She was right. She knew it had something to do with the emerald beads on her wrist. No one would treat her so well for no reason. But... she had parents. "No, your sister is someone else. I've seen her!" Nina's reaction was intense. She couldn't possibly be Micah's sister, let alone Pharaoh's daughter! At that moment, her heart felt like it was being torn apart. Fragments of memories flashed through her mind. She... "Some things can be faked. Those beads, they were given to you by Wilfred, right?" Micah said, stepping closer to Nina. Micah wasn't as tall as Nash, but his six-foot frame was still imposing. Nina felt as though invisible hands were choking her. She couldn't breathe and could almost hear the sound of her heart breaking She had never mentioned Wilfred to Micah, yet he knew. "I know this is hard for you to accept. I wouldn't rely on just a set of beads to determine your identity. I need a DNA test," Micah explained. A sibling DNA test would suffice. There was no need to involve Pharaoh because Seth was Pharaoh's most loyal subordinate. And if Ivy wasn't truly Ivy... "I won't do it. I'm not your sister. I've found who I was looking for, and I—" "Bang!" Before Nina could finish, a heavy thud interrupted her. Her heart leapt as she turned to see Nash collapse to the ground. "Nash!" Nina cried out, her eyes wide with shock. She ran to him and tried to lift him, but Nash pushed her away, clutching his head and roaring like a wild beast. Veins bulged on his forehead, his face contorted in agony. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.