Chapter 768 Chapter 768 The doors of the three cars opened simultaneously. Zoe and Penelope disembarked from their respective vehicles, followed by the gray-haired Cornelius, dressed in an opulent black fur coat. Holding a walking stick with a golden eagle carving, he exited the car with Zoe's help, looking stern. “Dad, be careful,” Penelope cautioned while approaching him. Cornelius let out a heavy sigh at the sight of the Becketts' gate. “Jasper did not show up at all when you visited the Becketts to discuss marriage. Is that right?” She bit her lips and nodded shamefully. “Yes.” “You're useless.” Zoe silently pouted, seemingly unhappy at her mom as well. Penelope explained fearfully, “You know Jasper's character well. Even Javier can't force him to do anything against his will. Sophia, as his stepmother, is of no use at all.” Ever since Penelope's husband's passing, Landon had been the pillar of support for their small family. Without Landon, Cornelius would have looked down on Penelope even more. “You're Zoe's mom. How could you be of no help when she’s bullied? All you can do is wallow in helplessness and anger,” growled Cornelius, who poked Penelope with his stick. He added, “The Harpers are a distinguished family in Solana City. Everyone holds us in high regard. But now, I am forced to show up to settle the mess caused by that Beckett fellow. Is this how you show your respect to me?” “Dad, it's all my fault. I'm useless,” Penelope apologized profusely, head hung low. "Grandpa, Mom has tried her best. You should stop blaming her,” Zoe spoke up for Penelope while holding Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findnøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Cornelius’ arm. Cornelius’ eyes were spitting fire. His temples were throbbing. “Jasper is an arrogant little brat! He basically humiliated the Harper family with his actions. He'd better behave today and agree to marry Zoe. If not, I will treat the Becketts as our archenemy!” In a lounge at the nightclub, Betty was partying with her friends, reveling in a hedonistic lifestyle. She danced closely with two nearly naked male models amidst excited screams. In a daze, Betty stretched her neck and poured red wine all over her trembling chest. Witnessing this, a male model hugged her tight and started licking her from the neck down to her chest. This elicited more cheers and screams around her as she laughed hysterically. After the lustful moments, she grabbed a wine bottle and slumped on the couch. While downing the wine, she let out uncontrollable laughs. "Ms. Betty? Ms. Betty!” Her assistant walked up to her and kneeled. “There's a situation at Seaview Manor now.” "What's wrong?” Betty drawled. “The Harpers are paying a visit. I believe they are there to discuss marriage.” "Pfft. What the fuck is going on? Didn't Zoe's widowed mom show up a few days ago? She was sent home without getting to meet Jasper at all.” The assistant explained, “Things are different this time. She's there with Cornelius Harper!” Betty's eyes flickered open. She shot up on the couch. “Who?” "Cornelius Harper, Zoe's grandpa! I heard they came with a group of people. They must be there for a confrontation.” “Hahaha! That's interesting!” Betty slapped the couch with an exciting gleam in her eyes. “Get the car ready! I'll be home to enjoy the debacle!”