Chapter 464 Chapter 464 The servants inhaled sharply, some even covering their mouths in shock. Did Sophia intend to take advantage of her marital status to turn the household upside down? All eyes were on Zoe and Penelope, the latter of whom had a look of utter surprise on her face. "Darling, is what Mrs. Beckett is saying true?” Penelope asked Zoe. Zoe swiftly put on her act of innocence. "Of course not! Betty was the one who came up with the idea of getting someone to mimic the jewelry for Ada Kingsley!” Zoe said Betty glared at her like she might slit her throat right now. "Stop with your filthy lies, Zoe Harper! You were the one who wanted to persuade Ada and make Alyssa fall from her pedestal! You were the one who came up with this idea!” “Alyssa... Alyssa Taylor? What does this have to do with her?” Penelope asked, still surprised. "I..." Now Zoe was stumped. She swallowed nervously, thinking Betty must be determined to end things. with her now that she had brought up Alyssa. “Where do you think you are, Mrs. Beckett? Do you think we would tolerate your hysterics?” a cold voice. suddenly rang through the room, shooting a cold spike through Betty's heart. Landon walked in from the front door, a sneer of disdain on his lips. “You can remain as uncouth as you like but keep it away from our home.” “Mr. Harper!” the butler and servants greeted him with a bow. “Landon!” Zoe cried, eyes wide and hopeful like she was some soap opera victim Landon never did like Betty. Besides, he had always doted on her since she was young. Zoe was sure that he would come to her defense. “Mr. Landon, how could you speak to me so disrespectfully? You're friends with Jasper and with our family!” Sophia fumed. “I'm friends with Jasper, but I don't believe that has anything to do with you, Mrs. Beckett. You're not his mother, Landon said, tilting his head. He added, "You don't treat him very well either. Do you really think pressuring me with this will work?” Sophia never expected Landon to behave like this. He was always so polite when he was over at Seaview Manor. Right now, he wasn't hiding his contempt or hatred for her at all! She couldn't help but be alarmed. If this was how they treated her while she was still married to Javier, what if she lost Javier's favor one day? She would never be respected then! Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Chills shot up Sophia's spine. She had been “Mrs. Beckett” for nearly 20 years now. Even though it seemed like she could have and did have everything she wanted, in all actuality, she hadn't even gotten the most basic respect from those in her circle! “Betty is bullying me, Landon! She's trying to frame me after getting into trouble!” Zoe cried, diving into Landon’s arms. Zoe continued, “I'm really sorry, Landon. I shouldn't have hung out with Betty. I should have listened to you. I swear I won't be so obtuse from now on! I'll do whatever you say!” "Was Betty telling the truth, Zoe? Landon gazed sharply at his sister, voice strung tight as a violin string.” Were you the one who had the jewelry faked so you could stab Alyssa in the back?” “Nol! It wasn't me! It was Betty's idea!” Zoe cried, turning pale with fear. "Stop lying, Zoe!” Landon growled, anger thrumming through his veins. “That man hired to create the counterfeit jewelry was from Yoarkley. How in the hell would someone have contacted a Yoarklian in such a short time?”