Chapter 455 Chapter 455 All that could be heard in the room was Alyssa’s soft breathing as Jameson remained by her side like a silent protector. As she turned in her sleep and a soft whimper escaped her lips, Jameson swallowed hard, feeling a rush of heat surge through his veins. Women had always thrown themselves at him all these years, whether in Cyrris or Kontina, regardless of their social stature. The more they did this, the more boring and disgusting Jameson found them. Only Alyssa could make him feel anything these days. He would do anything in the world to enable her to continue triumphing and carving her path in this city. Jameson slowly raised his hand to touch Alyssa's cheek. Just then, his secretary messaged him. “Mr. Jameson, Ms. Alyssa’s family are here for her. They're right outside.” Jameson took off his glasses and went to open the ward door. Jonah, Silas, and Sean stood outside like rigid guards, ready to pounce on anyone who dared antagonize Alyssa. Jameson instantly explained, “Lyse had a sudden gastritis attack. I had to bring her here first thing as she couldn't walk from the immense pain. I apologize for not informing you guys in time.” Sean's lips were stretched into a thin line, fists shaking angrily by his side. “How dare y-" Jonah raised his hand, gesturing for him to back off. A faint, inscrutable smile graced his face as he addressed Jameson, “Thank you for bringing my sister to the hospital, Mr. Jameson. "You apologize for not informing us of her condition earlier, yet when we attempted to call you not once. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. but five times, you rejected it every single time. You even turned off your phone. Why is that, pray tell?” Silas’ eyes darkened with a murderous intent. How could this Schmidt kid dare to snatch their beloved sister away like this? Did he have no respect for them, her brothers? Jameson dipped his head down respectfully. “I'm truly sorry for that. I was too concerned with Lyse's condition to think of much else. I didn’t wish to wake her from her sleep either.” "So you're saying we're not concerned?” Silas retorted. “Of course not. You are her brothers by blood and heart. Of course you would do everything in your power to ensure she was taken care of and safe.” Jameson then continued calmly, “So you won't mind if there is another man in this world who loves her and is devoted to her just as much as you are, right?” They were rendered speechless by Jameson's words. Both Silas and Sean were taken aback by this candid confession. No one in their family had ever been so forthright about their emotions, not even when their love for Alyssa was undeniably intense-not even Alyssa herself. Perhaps, if she had been, she wouldn't have endured so much suffering at Jasper's hands. Jonah's gaze grew darker. He stayed silent throughout. He couldn’t help but understand why his father had staunchly opposed Jameson dating Alyssa at this point. Despite Jameson's outward appearance as a perfect gentleman and his unwavering dedication to Alyssa, something about him triggered Jonah's defensive instincts. It was as though he consistently emitted an overpowering presence to ensure things went his way. “Wait here, Silas. I'll get Alyssa out.” Jonah entered the ward, walking past Jameson. However, before approaching Alyssa, he said, “We don't need your help anymore, Mr. Jameson. You can leave now.” Jameson returned to his car. His expression remained calm and collected as ever. Carl followed unsteadily behind him, grumbling, “Do they have a grudge against you or something, sir? They were so rude!” “In-laws almost always start out with a rocky relationship, after all. Given how much they adore Alyssa, it only makes sense for them to behave so. They wouldn't let just any man take her away.” Jameson smirked and continued, “No matter. All I need is Alyssa’s approval, not theirs.” “But, sir, I still feel that you shouldn't have been subjected to such treatment. You were such a powerful, untouchable force in Kontina back then. Why come back to Solana City just to face such meddlesome trouble?” “So what if I was?” Jameson's eyes glowed feverishly. “All everyone sees is the results and the image I put out there. “No one truly knows how much I had to sacrifice to get to where I was. Every single day in Kontina was a living hell for me. “If it weren't for those fucking bastards-if it werent for Victor, that son of a bitch-I would have had a hold of the company by now.” He hissed, eyes ablaze with fury. “And Alyssa ... She wouldn't have married that heartless pariah. She would have been mine from the start!" Carl shuddered, nodding respectfully as his boss ranted in a heated frenzy. “I want the company. I want Alyssa. I want everything-everything that was ever taken away from me!”