Chapter 442 Chapter 442 Neither of them expected Ada to donate that necklace tonight. How could this be? The two women instantly glanced at one another, unable to say a word right now, given their distance. The hall erupted into an ecstatic frenzy with the reveal of Alexa’s necklace. The experts in the jewelry field all craned their necks to get a good look at the piece, in awe of this legendary necklace. Both Jasper and Jameson leaped to attention, eager to bid for the necklace. "Why are you standing up? Sit down! Don't you see everyone's looking at you?” Sophia hissed, dragging Betty back down into her seat. "F-Fuck... We're screwed, Mom, Betty whispered fearfully. "What? What are you saying?” “I... I was the one who gave Ada that necklace.” “You what? Where did you get your hands on one of Alexa’s creations?” Sophia exclaimed, then got angry. Sophia continued, “How could she just give it away like that? Isn't that just outright slapping you in the face? And you, how dare you give it to her and not to me? I raised you, for God's sake!” “Mom... that... the necklace is a counterfeit.” Sophia's heart lurched. “Counterfeit?” "Z-Zoe helped me commission one of Alexa’s students to recreate it,” Betty mumbled, “That was the only idea I had. Ada wouldn't work with us, so I did what Alyssa did and used the jewelry to win her over. “It's a really good mimic of the original necklace, but the cat's bound to be out of the bag one day. I figured by the time Ada found out, the wedding would've already gone on. “I... I didn't know she would donate it to the auction! If someone finds out, we're finished!" “You stupid idiot!” Sophia growled furiously, nails digging into her daughter's skin. “You shouldn't have gotten a counterfeit to give her in the first place! Do you have any idea how big a scandal that is to our family?” “It w-was Zoe's idea... You can't blame it all on me!” Betty whined. “Can't you see that Zoe was using you?" Sophia cried, angrily stomping her feet. “If no one finds out, then “But if someone finds out, she won't get in trouble whatsoever! You gifted the necklace in the company's name, which has nothing to do with her! You've got nowhere to hide!” Hatred pooled in Zoe's chest. She had been set up! “What can I do now, Mom?" "Stay calm.” Sophia took a deep breath. “There's a good chance no one will realize it's a fake. Alexa has countless creations, after all. If Ada didn't find out, no one would!" Betty composed herself but still felt nervous. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ƒindNoᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. “I'd like to say a few words about this necklace,” Ada spoke into the microphone, turning around to face the guests. Her gaze landed on Betty, who was trembling where she sat. “I was only able to get this necklace because of the Beckett Group's own Betty Beckett. She was the one who gave it to me,” explained Ada. Alyssa calmly texted Sean on her phone. The spotlight instantly landed on Betty the next second, showing everyone her frightened, tense expression. Her face even appeared on the screen onstage, magnifying every detail. Betty had no choice but to smile politely. "Although I have much love for Alexa’s creations, I still feel that contributing to a greater cause that can help the less fortunate is a far better choice.” Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.