Chapter 274 Chapter 274 If Jameson did not bring Alyss a to his private rose garden, she would have never thought such a place existed to the south of Solana City. The garden belonged to him, not the Schmidt Group. Hundreds of acres of Damask Rose bloomed on the grounds. The blooming pink roses attracted Alyssa’s attention under the brilliant sunset. A few couples were strolling and taking photos in the garden. At the same time, some influencers were live-streaming their visits to the rose garden. The picturesque view provided a respite to Alyssa from her work stress. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindηovel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Jameson and Alyssa, the good-looking pair, became the center of attraction at the rose garden. Anyone would agree that they were a match made in heaven Alyssa bent over and gently wrapped her fingers around a stalk of rose, as though she was caressing the face of a lover. Her button nose wiggled as she took in the scent with a mesmerized look. The look in Jameson's eyes deepened. His lips curled into a smile. You're just like your name. A lovely, noble flower.” She widened her eyes at his praise before graciously replying, “I know I'm pretty. Still, thanks for the compliment.” “If I call you Lyse, would you call meJimmy, just like when we were young?“He took a step close r to her, burning in anticipation. She felt awkward and dodged his gaze. He seemed to feel the same toward her, but she had long put their past behind her. He was just a stranger to her when they reunited years later. After some thinking, she replied mildly,"I'll do that when we are better acquainted. “I believe we will, just like how close wewere as kids. I'm waiting for you,” he remarked firmly, eyes full of eagerness. 2 Feeling weirded out, she changed the topic of conversation with a serious face.” Jameson, what's the annual total output of your rose garden? And what are the costs? Have you signed any agreements with a partner company?” “Are you discussing a collaboration withme?” He pushed his glasses and chuckled. "Yes. I have been thinking about it."Themo ment she stepped foot in the rose garden, all she saw were golden business opportunities. Upon her return to the KS Group, Alyssa had been aiming for a share of the female consumer market by developing makeup and skincare products However, she did not have time for her business idea as she had to work on expanding KS World's business per Winston's wish. She was invigorated and inspired by the sight of Jameson's rose garden once more. “The Damask Rose, also knownscientifically as Rosa Damascena, symbolizes the iconic legend of Aphrodite and Adonis in Greek mythology. It is the symbol of love and beauty, the epitome of romance.” Her eyes shimmered excitedly as she rattled off her extensive knowledge of roses.”The Damask rose essential oil is very valuable. It is effective for physical and spiritual uses. Importing Damask roses is costly, but we rarely come across domestic plantations that pro duce the rose. "As you have the resources, I would like toform a strategic partnership with you. You will supply the roses, and I will add value to the end product. “If you work with me, this rose gardenwill not only be a scenic spot but a legacy brand popular among the ladies across the country. Of course, the profits will be immeasurable as well.” He gazed deeply at her. His handsome features were softened by a smile. Truth be told, he did not listen to a word about the business partnership. Many businesses had reached out to him for his rose garden, but he refused to consider any partnerships. He built a garden of roses with the sole aim of attracting Alyssa, like Gatsby's parties. She mistook his emotional pause as his hesitation. She coolly added, “I know it was a sudden suggestion. Since this will be a big project, you should take your time to think about it. I'm not in a rush.” Standing in the sunset by the entrance of the rose garden, Sean stared at the flowers all around him with mixed feelings. He knew that the Schmidts and the Taylors were close friends. To Winston Taylor, Victor Schmidt, Jameson's dad, was his brother from another mother. Jameson clearly harbored the intention to pursue Alyssa. Alyssa had always kept males at arm's length. A good example would be her brutal revenge against Jasper. To Sean's dismay, she did not seem opposed to a date with Jameson. Not only that, she was willing to extend the date. This could have stemmed from the fact that Jameson had saved her the other day. Still, Sean was bothered by Alyssa's rare acceptance of Jameson. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.