Chapter 218 Chapter 218 A name list of your suitors.” Winston looked amused. Everyone was dumbfounded at Winston's announcement. Even Tatiana, who had impeccable manners, dropped her utensils in shock. Silas almost spat out his coffee and was coughing with a red face. “Winston!” Alyssa sprung up with a sharp frown. “You're taking revenge against me, right? That's not very gentlemanly!” “Revenge is sweet.” He took a casual sip of his coffee. “Anyway, why would I take revenge on my daughter? I know you're low profile, but the news of the divorce will spread in our circle soon. “They'll be laughing at you. If Jasper Beckett is marrying someone new after the divorce, I'd do anything to make sure you have what he’s having.” "So, if he gets the case of the crazies, do I get that too?” She fired back with a snicker. “Anyway, I have made the decision. I rushed Neil to compile a list overnight covering bachelors of your age from similar family backgrounds in the nation. Get ready to meet with at least five of them weekly, starting next month. You can rest on the weekends.” Winston did not look like he was joking at all. She was close to flipping the table. “I don’t care! I'm not going anywhere or meeting anyone!” “Are you giving up the role of the president too?” “F***1 That wily old fart is attempting to change the conditions!” Alyssa thought to herself. Alyssa ground her teeth with a face flushed from anger. “You promised to make me the president of KS Group if I successfully ran the KS World Hotel. How can you go back -you worried about your reputation for being a dishonest man?” “I'm willing to suffer reputational damage in exchange for my daughter's happiness. It's a small price to pay.” Winston had a look of righteous indignation. She gritted her teeth. “I'm not going for blind dating. Do whatever you want with it.” “Shall I make someone else the president?” He squinted at her with a shrewd look. “I'm still in charge of Taylor Group, you know.” +15 BONOS The breakfast ended on a bad note. Every bite Alyssa took felt tasteless and dry as she simmered in anger. When she was younger and in a foul mood, she'd run to the backyard and carve vulgar words on the stones in a manmade cave or cry alone in there. The habit remained. As a 24-year-old, she hid in the cave and dwelled in anger. “Lyse! Ha, you're here indeed!" Silas put his hands on his back and bent over to enter the cave. "Say, is this Winston's revenge for stealing his chair?” She puffed. "Hmm, I don't think that's the main reason. I think Dad wanted to pull you out of the negativity caused by that heartless Beckett bastard. He would like you to start anew.” Silas crossed his legs and sat beside her. “Is blind dating the way to start anew? He might feel concerned because I'm his daughter, but my life is perfectly fine without a man!” She skipped a stone on the nearby pond. She added, “Men are a burden! He should attend the blind dating event instead. Who knows? He might end up with a fifth wife!” “You know Dad. He's vindictive and petty.” Silas whispered in her ear, “Do you recall the show,” Succession’? I feel that Dad's pretty similar to Logan Roy. I believe he will follow through on his threat of not making you the president if you refuse to go for blind dating.” Her eyes wavered with fright. “What should I do?” "Hmm... How about this? Give me a copy of that list.” “What for? Will you get rid of every one of them for me?” Her eyes lit up eagerly. “I'll run their backgrounds for you and pick some good ones. Just think of it as picking an escort. Keep a hot guy by your side for fun.” Silas laughed wickedly. "Oh, fuck off!” Glowering at him, she attempted to punch him. Her phone went off at that moment. Jasper's name on the screen attracted her attention. She was in the midst of a tantrum and conveniently turned Jasper into her punching bag. “Why are you calling me this early? Don't you think you're being ridiculous?” +15 BONOS “Have you left home?” He ignored her jab and asked calmly. “Not yet! "Okay Come out now.” After a pause, he announced in a low but firm voice, “I'm outside your place. Today's Bonus Offer Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.