Chapter 174 Chapter 174 A hush silence hung in the air before the crowd buzzed In excited whispers. The guests had not expe The look in Alyssa's eyes hardened. Yet, she remained composed. Everything was under her control. I ran to her worriedly and panted heavy and hot air all over her. Concerned, he mumbled, “Alice **** She turned around, her face lighting up with a bewitching smile. “It's fine.” He was once again smitten by her irresistible smile. "Sophia, let's keep the focus on Grandpa's birthday. Enough with the gossiping, especially not about "Forgive me. Jasper, for speaking without thinking.” Faking a guilty expression, Sophia chuckled. “I ju *She was once our daughter—in— law after all. Even after the divorce, we can't have people looking down on her because of her backg Sophia had craftily presented herself as Alice's thoughtful mother—in— S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findnøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. law. The guests murmured as they cast judgment*l glances at Alyssa. Meanwhile, Liana and Betty were delighted at the turn of events. Not only did Sophia publicly annou “Thank you for your concern, Madam Sophia.” Alice smiled. “Even if I did not marry Jasper, I would n looked down upon. It made no sense to look down on me just because I came from a poor family in Jasper glowered at Alyssa in silence, wondering if she truly felt nothing about the status boost she re Alyssa’s unassuming remark resonated with some of the guests. “There's nothing wrong with coming from a poor countryside family. My grandfather was a farmer w *Madam Sophia was belittling that lady with her remarks.” “She's not any better. If my memory serves me right, she was a washed-up C- list actress. Even a farmer is better than her!” Sophia scowled in shame as she endured the humiliating comments. It appeared that Alice had defu “Bravo! What's wrong with being a country girl? In fact, I like mysell a humble and down-to— earth woman!” Landon chuckled and whispered into Alyssa’s ear, leaving her speechless at his cheek At the same time, Jasper simmered in anger at Landon and Alyssa’s Intimate interactions. “Jasper!” Liana glided over while lifting the hem of her dress and locked arms with him. “Don’t overthink it. Aunt Sophia only made that statement in Ms. White's interest. She Jasper had an unreadable look on his face as he stood stiffly in Liana’s hold. At the same time, the guests e about the situation. “It seems that Ms. White is in an awkward spot. She shouldn't have attended the event because she’s divorced. She asked for it." "Did you miss that part where they said she attended on the Invitation of Mr. Beckett Senior? It show still important to him even after the divorce.” “That might not be true. She looks like she’s here to stir trouble. Who knows? Maybe she was being "Alice, ignore the busybodies. They don't know you at all.” Landon looked fierce, as though he was g "People are going to talk. It doesn’t bother me.” She smiled and dismissed the gossip with a big hear Liana thought she had come out on top when a deep, energetic voice echoed through the air. “Who Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.