Chapter 1590 "Too many oysters? Hah! You little prick, feeding me an oyster feast and even spicing it up with something else!" Landon muttered to himself. The oysters seemed to have worked to boost Landon's libido. He made love a few times to Lauren that night, his body covered in sweat as he humped her. All she could do was to beg him for mercy. "Darling, when are we going to make a group of baby pandas?" When they inched toward the climax, he pressed his moist, warm lips against her reddened ears and asked flirtatiously. Sweaty, she wrapped her legs around his fine waist as their bodies collided, but she seemed preoccupied with thoughts. After Winston's condition stabilized, he demanded to recover in Heightsnew Villa, claiming he had had enough of the smell of disinfectant. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindηovel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. Jonah spent a fortune and generously transformed a huge bedroom into a patient ward, even purchasing all the medical equipment Winston needed. Julien was conveniently appointed Winston's doctor. Winston scanned the room and immediately raged. "Jonah Taylor, what's wrong with you?" Jonah was taken aback by Winston's sudden outburst. Julien, standing behind Jonah, secretly worried for him. Scratching his head, Silas blurted out without thinking, "Dad, what's wrong with Jonah? You're the one who has something wrong, isn't it?" "Oh, you little motherfucker...” Winston immediately raised his hand at Silas and cussed. Jonah hurriedly shielded Silas with a grin. "Dad, calm down. Let's be civil about this.” "I asked to be discharged because I missed home, but look at you! You turned my room into a patient's ward. Why do I even come home for? This is so unnecessary!" Winston was irritated after a few days of hospitalization, and he had yet to fully recover. Jonah did not look angered. He smiled calmly. "Dad, Silas is pulling your leg.” Julien immediately chimed in, "Yeah, Dad. Silas is just joking." Everyone present was shocked by Julien's way of addressing Winston, including Winston himself. Staring at Julien, he mumbled, "W-What did you address me as?" Julien was caught by surprise and looked embarrassed. His heart raced when all eyes were on him. It felt like stripping naked to get an X-ray. He had unknowingly said his thoughts aloud and had no idea how to resolve the awkward situation. Jonah cleared his throat. Always calm, this was his first time looking tense. He clenched his fist and explained, "Dr. Lovelace has been in Belbanks for a while, busy helping us. I bet seeing you makes him homesick.” "That's right..." Julien quickly agreed, his heart leaping into his throat. Winston accepted the explanation. Looking grateful, he said, "Julien, you've been a great help to us You must have been through a lot. I owe you a huge favor. I'll repay you in the future.” "Mr. Winston, you're too kind." Julien cast a tender look at Jonah's side profile. "Aunt Mandy is your family. Since I'm close with Aunt Mandy, I see myself as part of your family as well. It's my duty to help you out.” The faux pas was smoothly glossed over thanks to Jonah's shrewd explanation. No one gave it much thought except for Mandy, who was standing behind the matching couple. Her expression stiffened when she noticed their reddened cheeks and ears. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.