Chapter 1330 The look on Jameson's face stiffened. Winston didn't confront him harshly. Yet, he felt every word that came from Winston's mouth was directed at him. A simmering anger in his heart caused his pale cheeks to burn. "Uncle Winston, everything Jasper is doing is to appease and cajole Lyse.” Jameson clenched his fingers tightly. His nails were digging into his palm. He was extremely hostile toward Jasper. "If he really loved Lyse, he would have been there for her during the three years of their marriage. Lyse is such a beautiful and astounding woman. She could tug the heart of any man. "Yet, he had turned his back and abandoned Lyse. It shows that he wasn't genuine toward Lyse. It was never love!" Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ƒind ηøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. "It was never love?" Winston perked his eyebrow. "Have you ever thought about when Jasper started falling for Lyse? It was when he realized the wife he had abandoned for three years was the daughter of the owner of the KS Group after their divorce. "Everyone knows Jasper isn't born of Mr. Javier's first wife. His mother gained her status disgracefully, so he was no different from an illegitimate child. If it weren't for Mr. Javier's firstborn falling ill, he would have never let Jasper take up such a huge responsibility to manage the Beckett Group. "Now that he sticks to Lyse like glue, do you think his intentions are pure? Does he not harbor any malicious intent? Are you sure he has never thought of using the Taylor family's money and power to change his awkward circumstance?” Anxiety was written on Jameson's face. He earnestly persisted, feeling as if he was about to talk his mouth off. "He forced Lyse to divorce with him to marry someone else. What he did was despicable. He hasn't been loyal the first time. How sure are you that there wouldn't be a second or third? Are you willing to use the apple of your eye to bet on Jasper's character?" Carl listened to everything by the side. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he carefully observed Jameson without a word. Until now, he hadn't recognized the extent of Jameson's persuasiveness, resembling that of a snake charmer. If Jameson's eloquence was employed to distort the truth, his abilities should not be underestimated. "Jameson, what you have done for my daughter is more telling than me as her actual father.” A smile lingered on Winston's face, yet his tone was cold. "If Jasper is exactly like you said, a person after position and power, he wouldn't have gone for my daughter, who had kept her identity hidden. He would have to marry a wealthy girl and get it done once and for all.” Jameson was rendered speechless. He found himself ensnared in his own words. "I'm old. I can't control Lyse for the rest of my life. She chose Jasper, and that is the decision she has to live with. It will be on her if that person mistreats her. I can't possibly hang her around my pocket like a keychain, can I?" Neil couldn't help but laugh at Winston's dark humor. Yet, Jameson's heart brimmed with hatred. His dry and pale lips trembled as he uttered, "Uncle Winston, you..." "If you don't want to give up on Lyse, you can go ahead and pursue her passionately. Fight for her fair and square.” Winston averted his gaze from Jameson's tense expression. He coldly uttered, "However, please refrain from seeking me out to discuss this any further. I have many children. I wouldn't live very long if I worried for all of them.” Following that, Winston and Neil passed through the entrance of Heightsnew Villa in succession. The door sealed shut, and the frigid wind that brushed past seemed like a harsh blow to Jameson's head. After speaking to Jameson, Winston's steps were surprisingly light. "That Schmidt boy really had a way with words," he mocked "Exactly. You will only see a person's talent when it matters.” Neil laughed. He was creatively sarcastic with his words. "Pfft! That pipsqueak Jasper had been in the same business summits with him a couple of times. During his speech, he interchanged bilingually and spoke eloquently. Isn't he equally good at talking too? "Now, besides making promises and offering apologies, he only knows how to assure me he'll treat Lyse well whenever he sees me. He is slow with words. Anyone might have thought he was dumb," Winston mocked, shaking his head with a disgusted and scornful look in his eyes. Neil grasped the situation and said with a smile, "Mr. Beckett may not excel in many things, but he has a talent. Mr. Jameson is not only childhood friends with Ms. Alyssa but also a formidable love rival. However, do you recall something Mr. Beckett said to Mr. Jameson?" Neil grasped the need to limit the conversation to this point, as being too biased toward Jasper could backfire. He sincerely hoped for Jasper and Alyssa to be together. At this rate, he was no different than a godfather to Alyssa. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.