Chapter 1319 Winston inhaled sharply. Steam was almost coming out of his ears! Angelina was not someone who was easily amused. But watching Winston and Cyrus bicker almost made her smile. They looked like such a loving and harmonious father-son duo. Then, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Lauren was carrying a tray. Carefully, she walked up to Winston and placed the teacups on the table. "Mr. Taylor, please have some tea.” Lauren's voice was gentle. As Winston watched her adorable face, he couldn't help but feel like doting on her. He smiled and said in a warm tone, "Oh? Hello, Lauren. I didn't expect to see you here. Are you here to keep Alyssa company?" "I... I... Yes." Lauren flushed red with shyness. She wasn't dumb. She knew she couldn't answer by saying she was cohabiting with Landon. So, she could only give an awkward, perfunctory reply. "Anyway, that's not important!" Winston beamed with joy. He pulled Lauren closer to him and looked at her closely. "You aren't attached yet, are you? What do you think about my youngest son here? "You're both about the same age, and opposites attract. I'm sure that you will both get along very well.” It was as if Cyrus was struck by lightning. He was so surprised that he spat out the tea he was drinking. "I... I." Lauren was frightened. She took a step back immediately and clasped her hands together. She started rubbing her hands together until her skin turned red. When it came to his personal life, Cyrus was careless. However, as a Criminal Investigator, he had remarkable observational skills. He was able to perceive that Lauren's reaction was unnatural. It was as if she was overly introverted. On top of that, she had severe social anxiety. She was biting down so hard on her lip that they almost bled. She looked like she was on the verge of crying. Cyrus felt terrible to see her like that. He frowned. He said in a serious voice, "Dad! Did you come all the way here from Belbanks to get me a wife? I have told you thousands of times that I want to focus on my career. I don't want to get married or have a family!" Winston narrowed his eyes. "Do you think that you can choose to do whatever you want? If you had a choice, you wouldn't have been born in the first place.” "What the..." Cyrus almost swore. His face turned red from holding himself back. He really couldn't understand! Even though Damien was no longer around, he still had four other elder brothers. Why was Winston only badgering a small fry like him? Regardless of whether or not he wanted a family, his current job required him to travel at any time. He worked around the clock and was always on dangerous missions. Which woman would be able to accept a workaholic like him? If he were to get married, he would want to make his future wife feel loved and happy. But this wasn't something that he could achieve at this point. How could he sacrifice someone's lifetime happiness just to bear him children? Winston wanted to continue matchmaking them, but Angelina immediately hurried to Lauren's side. She wrapped her arms around Lauren's trembling shoulders. She then looked Winston straight in the eye and said, "Mr. Taylor, we appreciate that you took a liking to Ms. Lauren. But I'm sorry, she's already taken.” Winston clicked his tongue. With a dissatisfied look, he asked, "Who was she taken by? Who is the one who has the upper hand over my son?" "Of course, it's no one other than Mr. Landon.” Angelina's expression was cold. She smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Beckett Senior and Mr. Javier are aware of the relationship between Mr. Landon and Ms. Lauren. They have never interfered with their relationship. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ƒindNoᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. "Furthermore, Mr. Landon is about to be appointed as the president of Harper Group. When that time comes, he will ask Mr. Beckett Senior and Mr. Javier for Ms. Lauren's hand in marriage. He will see to this personally.” Landon reminded Lauren of his desire to marry her daily. Even though those were words she heard daily, Lauren was still extremely touched to hear them once again. She blushed bashfully. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.