Chapter 1239 Javier, accustomed to a life of privilege since childhood, had never experienced such a beating or humiliation. And it happened in front of his son! He was totally embarrassed. The humiliation was unbearable. "I'll smack you, heartless scum!" Newton was about to pick up a purple cup to continue his assault, but Ben timely stopped him. "Mr. Newton, calm down!" As Javier covered the injury on his forehead, his anger made him grit his teeth. "You don't stand on your own grandson's and son's side but side with Winston's daughter? You're being a double-crosser! I think you're so old that you're confused. "Winston and his daughter have been opposing us at every turn. This time at the party, they even snatched Jesselton Incorporated’s tens-of-million-dollar racecourse hotel project from us! If it weren't for KS Group meddling, that project should have belonged to Beckett Group!" He angrily accused Newton of everything, then turned sharply to point accusingly at Jasper. "And you! Not only do you not help your family’s business, but you act as a matchmaker for the Taylor family, facilitating collaboration between KS Group and the Jesseltons! "Your brother is far away in Mosgravia and not in good health, but he's contributing to the family! But you actually gave up our interests for the sake of a woman!" Javier continued, "As the president of the group, this is a serious dereliction of duty! You must take full responsibility for the failure of this project!” Jasper's dim eyes darkened further. His voice was extremely hoarse as he responded, "That isn't my only responsibility, isn't it?" Javier was suddenly stunned. "What?" "I publicly opposed your arrangement for me to marry the Harpers. It was just yesterday. Have you already forgotten?” Jasper's gaze was so cold that it would send chills down one’s spine. "You said that if I refused to marry Zoe, you'd kick me out of Beckett Group. "With Zoe causing havoc, the Harpers are pushed into a difficult situation as she exposes the truth about Lyse miscarrying my child. You know that she's a malicious and troublesome person. You're afraid of getting involved, so you just forget about the marriage, right?" Ben was incredibly shocked. Cold sweat soaked his back. How was this possible? Alyssa's miscarriage was unknown to the public. How did Zoe find out about it? "Jasper ... you!" Javier was infuriated by Jasper's revealing accusations. "Marry who? That lady from the Harper family?" Newton nearly threw out the purple cup in his hands again. He was so angry that he shivered. "Javier! Is your brain filled with mush? You leave out such an outstanding lady like Alice and want Jasper to marry that scheming bitch? She exposed the miscarriage to disrupt Jasper and Alice's relationship. She's so wicked, and you want Jasper to marry her? You should marry her yourself!” "Dad!" "You're bad at judging people and have no shame. Fine. But don't think about letting my grandson follow your footsteps!” Furious, Newton glared. Even though he was old, his eyes were still sharp, just like in the past. "Also, don't think about blaming the loss of the project on Jasper or slandering Alice. Although I wasn't present at this year's horse racing event, I know exactly what happened! S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. "The Harpers tampered with the Taylors’ horse. Despite that, Alice still won first place! She earned the opportunity through her own efforts. It's not something you can smear with just a few words!" "Grandpa .." Jasper's chest heaved, and his eyes turned red-rimmed. Newton still cared, trusted, and supported Alyssa, just as he did three years ago. But what about Jasper? Newton had told him to treat Alyssa well and not upset her countless times, saying that she was an excellent lady who was hard to find. But what had he done? He had ruined everything—literally everything. "No matter what, Alice is my only daughter-in-law! Other than her, I won't accept anyone!” Newton reiterated this matter firmly and resolutely. "Jasper owes Alice, and so does our family. I can't do anything if I die. But as long as I'm alive, Javier, you won't be able to make Jasper marry those filthy women!" The furious Javier shouted with the ridiculous red bump on his head, "Justin's health is deteriorating, and the doctor says the possibility of him having children is close to zero! Now, you want Alyssa to join the family? Do you want to leave the Beckett family without an heir?" Newton trembled at his words. "What do you mean?" Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.