Chapter 1205 Damn it, Winston! He just said some really nasty things! "Plus, if you wish to talk about both parties having an interest in one another, Taty doesn't fancy either of your sons. Since this is so, she might as well choose someone more suited for her.” Victor initially thought of contesting. However, he could only sigh helplessly and unhappily when he perceived Winston was adamant about ending the topic there and then. David loved being among the ladies ever since he was young. Back when he was still able-bodied, he surrounded himself with women. He was best at coaxing them by sweet-talking. Seeing as Tatiana didn't push him away, he racked his brains to think of cheeky things to say. He wanted to make her happy. However, Tatiana was different from the other women he had come in contact with before. She was cold all the way, seemingly disinterested in the things he said. He tried all the tactics he had under his belt but couldn't get through to her. His throat felt dry, and he became annoyed! She was just the third wife's daughter. If it weren't for him being disabled, he wouldn't even have chosen her! Why was she even putting herself on a pedestal? Daisy noticed that they weren't too happy about the progression of their relationship. She began to feel anxious on behalf of David. As such, she figured there was no other way than to play some dirty tricks. Then, she spotted David's secretary walking hurriedly in David's direction. She stopped him and asked, "Hey, where are you going? Don't you see that David is occupied?” "Ms. Daisy, there has been some trouble,” he answered incoherently. "Just spill it. Am I an outsider to you?" "I mean ... Ms. Alyssa's secretary from last time ... He's waiting outside.” A sinister look flashed across Daisy's face. "Sean?" she asked. "Yes, that's right! The one who goes by the last name Lynch! Isn't he Mr. David's love rival? I believe he is out to ruin things for Mr. David by coming here. "So, I was thinking of quickly reporting to Mr. David and getting some idea on what we can do to him. He can't enter for now since he's an uninvited guest. "But, if Ms. Alyssa were to find out, I'm sure she would orchestrate something on his behalf. If that happens, how awkward it must be for Mr. David!" he exclaimed after weighing the pros and cons. David's secretary was a loyal employee. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findnøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. "Got it. Thanks for the thought. Let me handle this. Don't interrupt David for now," Daisy advised in a lazy tone. "Alright, Ms. Daisy." David's secretary left. In the next second, Daisy retrieved her cell and sent a WhatsApp message to David. "David, your love rival is right outside. I am going to chase him away on your behalf. How are you going to thank me?" "Haven't you been eyeing that ruby and diamond necklace for a while, dear sister? I will gift it to you." "Thank you very much, David! Sending kisses to you!" "But, since he came all the way, as per Schmidt family custom, we shouldn't let him leave empty- handed.” Daisy replied with an emoticon that meant "Okay". Then, he smirked menacingly. The manor was brightly lit from the inside. The outside, however, looked desolate. Sean listened to the emotionless auto-response from his phone, informing him that the cell phone on the other end had been switched off. His trembling fingers were about to break the screen. It was as if the brilliant view before him had transformed into swords and spears that pierced his heart. He wasn't an invited guest. So, he could only wait outside painstakingly. In a way, he could contact Alyssa to get her help to bring him in. But this was his personal matter, so he couldn't bring himself to ask her. Sean lowered his eyes and took a few gulps, swallowing his sense of inferiority and regret. At the end of the day, was he the one who was shooting above his station? The woman whom he loved was right inside the building. He missed her so much that it was driving him crazy. However, the vast divergence in their social positions meant he was fated to be barred from crossing the fence. "Well, well. Look who's here! You look quite familiar.”