Chapter 1116 Chapter 1116 Alyssa’s decision blew Zoe's mind. Betty guffawed and teased her, Wow, you're great at making predictions, aren't you?” "Hmph! Let her be. She'll only overexert herself and fall on all fours!” Zoe's teeth clattered from rage as she stared hatefully at Alyssa’s confident expression Winston was doubtful and concerned. “Lyse, can you do it?" “Dad, you know me best.” She winked playfully at her father. Winston, Lyla, and Jonah exchanged gazes. Alyssa might be adept at horse riding, but horse racing was an entirely different matter. “Ms. Alyssa, horse racing is not a child's play. Moreover, this race. concerns an important business opportunity and your family’s reputation. It's fine to stay out of the race. Better than falling off the horse in the race, don't you think? Mr. Taylor would be heartbroken if that happened,” Cornelius remarked. He was subtly warning her about losing face in the race, which was worse than losing the race itself. Everyone present assumed that she would lose badly. “That's right, Ms. Alyssa. There are no female equestrians in this competition. Do you think it's appropriate of you to show up?” Zoe joined in the teasing when she saw Cornelius doing the same. “We know you're competitive, but you have to know your limits, or you'll only suffer.” “Ms. Zoe, do you believe that women have no place in horse riding, or do you think that women are inferior to men?” Alyssa countered as she fixed a frosty gaze on Zoe. +25 BONUS With a snicker, she added, “From my understanding, your grandma was once a famous equestrian when she was young. In a time when. the country knew little about equestrian sports, Josephine Harper represented the country at international races and won the gold medal. “Ms. Zoe, by the sound of it, do you think your grandma’s behavior was “inappropriate’? I don’t mind you looking down on me, but it isn't right to look down on your own grandma.” “You-" Zoe was at a loss for words after she shot herself in the foot. Frowning, Cornelius cast a look at his reckless granddaughter and shook his head. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality. “Um, Landon,” Lauren mumbled as she faltered. She grasped his hand tightly and said weakly, “H- Has Alyssa angered Zoe? Isn't she scared of Zoe?" "Why would she be? Even Jasper is afraid of Alyssa. She probably fears no one else. Isn't that interesting?” Landon chuckled and rubbed her cold hand. “No, that's not what I mean...” With her head hung low, she said in an almost inaudible voice, “I'm scared. I'm scared that Zoe would bully. Alyssa.” “Lauren, what is it?” Landon missed her words. “N-Nothing.” She shook her head vehemently as fragments of horrible memories flashed across her mind overwhelmingly. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and forced herself to dismiss the thoughts as cold sweat formed across her forehead. “I wouldn't have suggested myself if I was not up to the task,” Alyssa announced, flashing a wide grin at Cornelius as her eyes sparkled. ” Mr. Cornelius, thanks for the concern, but I only participate in +25 BONUS Cornelius fell into a daze and renewed his impression of Alyssa. The fearless way she carried herself reminded him of the young. Josephine. Search the FindNovel.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.